Mother’s Face Severely Burned in Viral TikTok Egg Microwave ‘Hack’: Urgent Warning Issued

Mother’s Face Severely Burned in Viral TikTok Egg Microwave ‘Hack’: Urgent Warning Issued

…By Alan Peterson for TDPel Media. A mother, Shafia Bashir, has shared a cautionary tale about cooking eggs in a microwave after a popular TikTok “hack” resulted in a terrifying experience.


She suffered severe burns to her face when a poached egg she was cooking using an internet recipe exploded, causing excruciating pain.

The Painful Mishap

Shafia described her ordeal as “absolute agony.”

She followed the recipe by pouring boiling water into a mug, adding the egg, and microwaving it for a couple of minutes.

However, when she placed a cold spoon on the egg, it erupted and scalded the right side of her face, causing the most intense pain she had ever experienced.

The Aftermath and Caution

Shafia sought medical treatment at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) department for her burns, but even after 12 hours, they were still stinging.

Though her wounds have now healed without leaving scars, she warned others to think twice before attempting the viral TikTok dish, hoping to spare them from a similar ordeal.


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The Cooking Incident

Shafia, from Bolton, had been successfully making the dish for three years when she decided to cook it on May 12 due to her hunger.

Following a recipe taught by her ex-mother-in-law, she prepared the poached egg in the microwave as usual.

However, on this occasion, disaster struck, leaving her shocked and in pain.

Microwave Hazards for Eggs

The British Medical Journal has previously emphasized the need for clear warnings about the dangers of cooking eggs in microwaves.

The risk lies in the fact that microwaving shelled eggs can cause heat to build up within the casing.

Once the egg is removed from the microwave, it continues to cook, and any disturbance can lead to an explosion.

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The same risks apply when cooking sunny-side-up or poached eggs in the microwave.

Social Media Influence and Prior Incidents

TikTok and other social media platforms have popularized these cooking hacks as people search for time-saving methods.


Unfortunately, this is not the first time such tricks have gone wrong.

In 2021, Chantelle Conway from Farnworth reported a similar incident.

These incidents highlight the potential dangers associated with microwaving eggs.

Trauma, Humor, and Lessons

Shafia admitted feeling traumatized by the incident and even vowed never to eat eggs again.

However, she managed to find humor in her experience, making light of it in videos shared with her 15,000 TikTok followers. She created amusing videos, incorporating the burn into characters like Beauty and the Beast and Tony Montana from Scarface, amusing her followers who mistook it for a filter.

In conclusion, Shafia Bashir’s painful experience serves as a warning against cooking eggs in the microwave.

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Her story highlights the risks involved and encourages others to exercise caution when attempting popular internet recipes.

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About the Author:

Alan Peterson is a talented writer who creates engaging and informative content for TDPel Media. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Alan has established himself as a respected authority in his field. He is a dedicated professional who is committed to providing readers with accurate and up-to-date news and information. Alan’s ability to distill complex ideas into easily digestible pieces has earned him a loyal following among TDPel Media’s readers. In addition to his writing work, Alan is an avid reader and enjoys exploring new topics to expand his knowledge and expertise. He lives in Scotlant, United Kingdom.


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