Michael Sheen Urges Removal of Prince Andrew from Royal Family, Advocates for Tom Jones as Replacement, in BBC Interview

Michael Sheen Urges Removal of Prince Andrew from Royal Family, Advocates for Tom Jones as Replacement, in BBC Interview

In a recent BBC interview on The Assembly, Michael Sheen didn’t hold back on his criticisms of the Royal Family. Speaking to a group of 35 autistic, neurodivergent, and learning disabled individuals, he voiced his opinions candidly. One of the focal points was his call for Prince Andrew to be ousted from the Royal Family. Sheen proposed replacing him with comedian Joe Lycett and even suggested music legend Tom Jones as the Prince of Wales.

Controversy Surrounding Sheen’s OBE

During the interview, Sheen also addressed the controversy surrounding his decision to return his OBE (Officer of the Order of the British Empire). He explained that after being honored with the OBE in 2009, he later felt conflicted when asked to give the Raymond Williams Lecture on Welsh history. His research for the lecture led him to question the appropriateness of holding an award tied to the British Empire while discussing Welsh identity and culture. Ultimately, Sheen felt that keeping the OBE would compromise his integrity, leading him to return the award.

Welsh Identity and Criticism of the Monarchy

As a proud Welshman, Sheen’s criticism extended beyond individual royals to the institution itself. He emphasized the importance of Welsh culture and history, expressing concern over the monarchy’s role in shaping Welsh identity. During his 2017 Raymond Williams Lecture, Sheen accused Britain and England of attempting to erase Welsh history, urging his fellow Welsh citizens not to forget their heritage.

Social Justice and Wealth Disparity

Sheen’s critique wasn’t solely directed at the monarchy but also touched on broader social issues. He highlighted the stark wealth disparity in society, questioning the accumulation of wealth by individuals while others suffer from homelessness. His remarks reflect a broader concern for social justice and equity.

Support for Welsh Independence

Sheen’s advocacy for Welsh independence was evident throughout the interview. He criticized King Charles III’s visit to Wales on Owain Glyndŵr Day, a significant date in Welsh history symbolizing resistance against English rule. Sheen’s support for Welsh independence aligns with his broader efforts to promote Welsh culture and autonomy.

Engagement with Controversial Issues

Throughout the interview, Sheen engaged with controversial issues fearlessly. From his critique of the monarchy to his support for Welsh independence, he didn’t shy away from expressing his opinions. His willingness to address contentious topics reflects his commitment to social change and cultural preservation.

Personal Insights and Lighter Moments

Amidst the serious discussions, Sheen also shared personal insights and lighter moments. From revealing his preference for trains over buses to discussing his favorite food (egg and chips), he offered glimpses into his personality. His fond memories of admiring John Taylor from Duran Duran during his youth added a touch of nostalgia to the conversation.

Inspiration from a French Format

The Assembly, where the interview took place, is a British adaptation of a French show called Les Rencontres du Papotin. The format, which involves public figures facing questions from neurodivergent individuals, aims to foster inclusive dialogue. Sheen’s participation in The Assembly underscores the importance of diverse voices in shaping public discourse.


Michael Sheen’s interview on The Assembly provided a platform for him to voice his critiques of the Royal Family, discuss Welsh identity, and advocate for social justice. His willingness to tackle contentious issues reflects his commitment to fostering meaningful dialogue and driving positive change. As he continues to engage with challenging topics, Sheen serves as a beacon for those seeking to challenge the status quo and promote inclusivity and justice.

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