Jaiye Kuti’s Response to Criticism Over Berating Veteran Movie Stars Begging for Financial Support

Jaiye Kuti’s Response to Criticism Over Berating Veteran Movie Stars Begging for Financial Support

…By Larry John for TDPel Media. Popular Yoruba Nollywood actress, Jaiye Kuti, recently expressed her dissatisfaction with the growing trend of veteran movie stars soliciting financial support and car gifts from fans.


Her comments received mixed reactions, with some colleagues accusing her of disrespect.

In response, Jaiye Kuti clarified her stance in another video, stating that while ailing actors may seek help online, healthy individuals should refrain from begging for assistance.

Tarnishing Nollywood’s Reputation:

Jaiye Kuti voiced her concerns about how the practice of veteran actors begging for financial support and gifts online is tarnishing the reputation of the Nollywood community.


She emphasized that this behavior should cease, as it portrays the industry in a negative light.

In her opinion, Nollywood is not a pension-based industry, and actors should prepare for their future during their active years to avoid relying on public assistance.

Possible Financial Mismanagement:

Implying that some actors resorting to online begging may have recklessly squandered their earnings in their younger days, Jaiye Kuti highlighted the importance of responsible financial planning.

She suggested that those who find themselves in dire need might have avoided such circumstances had they managed their finances more prudently earlier in their careers.

Reactions and Clarification:

Jaiye Kuti’s outburst received both support and criticism from her colleagues.


However, she took the opportunity to clarify her message in a subsequent video.

She stressed that her intention was not to discourage actors from seeking help online, particularly when they are facing health issues.

Instead, her plea was directed at those who are healthy and using the begging trend to gain undue advantages.

Jaiye Kuti shared that she has also used her social media platform to seek help for others and has received appreciation for her efforts.

Distinguishing Between Genuine Need and Entitlement:

The actress emphasized that only those who are genuinely sick should seek help, while the healthy individuals should refrain from publicly begging for assistance.


Jaiye Kuti specifically mentioned advising two veterans against resorting to begging, as it might leave them without support when they truly require it.

Her intention was to discourage the sense of entitlement some individuals may develop, assuming they deserve help solely because others have received assistance.


Jaiye Kuti’s response to criticism regarding her criticism of veteran movie stars begging for financial support highlights her concern for the reputation of the Nollywood industry.

While acknowledging the legitimacy of seeking help for health-related issues, she urges healthy actors to avoid engaging in public begging.

By clarifying her position, Jaiye Kuti aims to promote responsible financial planning within the industry and discourage any negative perception of Nollywood.



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