Nigerian Activist Aisha Yesufu Criticizes PDP Supporters, Accuses Them of Prioritizing Personal Gain Over Principles

Nigerian Activist Aisha Yesufu Criticizes PDP Supporters, Accuses Them of Prioritizing Personal Gain Over Principles

…By Joseph Benjamin for TDPel Media. Popular Nigerian activist, Aisha Yesufu, has expressed her belief that supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) are primarily motivated by personal gain rather than the party’s principles.


According to her, these individuals are easily swayed by the allure of “stomach infrastructure,” leading them to devalue honest work.

Entitlement and the Sense of Owed Votes

Yesufu further contends that PDP stalwarts possess a sense of entitlement, perceiving that Nigerian citizens owe them their votes.

She argues that this entitlement mentality hinders the party’s prospects of ruling the country for the next fifty years.


Changing Political Landscape

In a series of tweets, Yesufu emphasizes that the political landscape is shifting.

She notes that prior to the 2023 elections, both supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and PDP would boast on Twitter about their achievements in delivering votes from their polling units, often sharing result sheets.

However, she points out that this time around, such claims were notably absent, suggesting a reliance on electoral manipulation and malpractice.

Persistence and the Need for Evidence

Yesufu urges against giving up, emphasizing that significant progress has been made in the span of just ten months, surpassing the achievements of established politicians over two decades.

She emphasizes that the struggle for change has only just begun, and the focus should be on overwhelming the judiciary with evidence rather than blindly trusting its decisions.


In summary, Aisha Yesufu criticizes PDP supporters, suggesting that their actions are driven by personal gain rather than a commitment to the party’s values.

She also highlights their sense of entitlement and the expectation that Nigerian citizens owe them their votes.

Despite these observations, Yesufu remains hopeful for change, emphasizing the need for persistence and the accumulation of evidence to challenge the status quo.


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