Neighbors at Odds: Locals Protest ‘Noisy’ Eco Heat Pumps at Reepham High School

Neighbors at Odds: Locals Protest ‘Noisy’ Eco Heat Pumps at Reepham High School

Residents living near Reepham High School in Norfolk find themselves entangled in a dispute with the secondary school concerning what they describe as ‘very noisy’ eco heat pumps.

The electrically-powered devices, installed to heat classrooms, have become a constant source of disturbance for locals.

Local Grievances:

Locals claim that the eco heat pumps, designed to absorb heat from the air and touted as more efficient than gas boilers, have turned into a ’24-hour noise nuisance.’

The noise pollution generated by these devices has reportedly reached a point where residents are unable to open windows or enjoy their gardens without being disrupted.

Planning Permission and Assurances:

The heat pumps were installed last year, but planning permission was sought only after their installation. Residents allege they were assured that the pumps would be turned off on bank holidays and during school breaks, promises that they claim have not been kept.

Involvement of Local MP:

Frustrated by the ongoing disturbance, residents have sought the intervention of their local Member of Parliament, Jerome Mayhew, in hopes of finding a resolution. Mr. Mayhew expresses a desire to balance the school’s efforts to reduce carbon impact with consideration for the well-being of neighboring residents.

School’s Response:

The head teacher of Reepham High School, Tim Gibbs, acknowledges the complaints and expresses sympathy but maintains compliance with the installation of the eco heat pumps.

He highlights the school’s commitment to addressing concerns raised by neighbors.

Council’s Investigation and Perspective:

Broadland District Council, responsible for overseeing planning and environmental considerations, claims to have investigated the noise complaints.

The council conducted noise testing on the heat pumps and suggests that the installation aligns with the goal of reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources, contributing to green energy targets, and addressing climate change challenges.


As the dispute continues, the clash between environmental progress and the well-being of residents near Reepham High School underscores the complexities of implementing sustainable initiatives within local communities.

The ongoing dialogue aims to strike a balance between reducing carbon impact and ensuring a peaceful coexistence with neighboring residents.

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