Dinner Party Dos
When it comes to hosting or attending a dinner party, certain dos and don’ts can make or break the experience.
Etiquette expert, Jo Bryant, offers valuable insights on how to ensure a harmonious evening with your guests. Here are some key dos for both hosts and guests:
1. Consider Dietary Restrictions
- If you’re the host, ask your guests about allergies and dietary requirements in advance.
2. Offer to Contribute
- Guests can ask the host if they can bring something to the table, contributing to the meal’s success.
3. Include Non-Alcoholic Options
- Ensure you have interesting alcohol-free beverages available for those who don’t consume alcohol.
4. Be Helpful
- Guests should offer to help clear plates after they’ve finished their meal.
5. Mind Your Shoes
- It’s a good practice to take your shoes off at the front door to keep the host’s home clean.
6. Assist the Stressed Host
- If you sense the host is stressed, offer to help in any way you can.
7. Engage in Conversations
- Instead of talking about yourself, ask others about their lives, fostering engaging discussions.
8. Be Considerate with Drinks
- Always refill other people’s glasses before refilling your own.
9. Mix Seating Genders
- Mix men and women around the table for a balanced and enjoyable atmosphere.
10. Show Gratitude
- Send a thank-you note to your host a few days later to express your appreciation.
Dinner Party Don’ts
Avoid these common blunders to ensure a pleasant dinner party experience:
1. Vaping and Smoking
- Vaping or smoking at the dinner table is a definite don’t.
2. Phone Usage
- Looking at your phone during dinner is considered impolite.
3. Bare Feet at the Table
- Taking your socks off at the table is a major dinner party faux pas.
4. Overstaying Your Welcome
- Leave before midnight to respect your host’s schedule.
5. Sensitive Topics
- Avoid discussing religion, money, or politics at the dinner table.
6. Bragging
- Refrain from boasting about your salary or accomplishments.
7. Loud Behavior
- Laughing or talking loudly with your mouth open is considered rude.
8. Social Media Etiquette
- Don’t post pictures of the host’s cooking to Instagram without their permission.
9. Reaching Over
- Be mindful not to reach over other people at the table.
In this context, it’s essential to maintain proper decorum during a dinner party to ensure a pleasant and enjoyable experience for all guests.
Acceptable Dinner Table Conversation
Surprisingly, according to research by Andrew Peace Wines, some diners find it acceptable to engage in discussions about sex, with 13 percent of people giving it the green light.
However, the study revealed that looking at your phone during dinner is generally disapproved of by over 50 percent of respondents.
Even more, 64 percent, found vaping at the table to be unacceptable.
Discussing politics and money at the dinner table continues to be a red flag, with over a third of respondents considering it inappropriate.
Additional Dinner Party Red Flags
Apart from the dos and don’ts, there are other red flags to be aware of when attending a dinner party.
These include overstaying your welcome, and a strict no-no is boasting about your salary.
Also, avoid posting pictures of the host’s food to Instagram without their consent.
Furthermore, etiquette experts advise against opening a bottle of wine brought as a gift by a dinner guest on the same night.
This is seen as poor etiquette, implying a shortage of drinks for guests.
Dinner parties are social events where good manners and thoughtful behavior play a crucial role in ensuring a delightful and enjoyable experience for all attendees.
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