The Ultimate Handbook to Salesforce Backup Solutions: Safeguarding Your Data and Business Continuity

The Ultimate Handbook to Salesforce Backup Solutions: Safeguarding Your Data and Business Continuity

Ultimate Guide to Salesforce Backup Solutions

Salesforce is a powerful cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that contains critical data for businesses. While Salesforce ensures data protection through its infrastructure, it’s essential to have a reliable backup solution to safeguard against accidental data loss, data corruption, or any other unexpected events.

Why Do I Need a Salesforce Backup Solution?

Having a Salesforce backup solution is essential for several reasons, as it provides an additional layer of protection for your critical business data. While Salesforce itself has robust infrastructure and security measures, it cannot completely safeguard against all potential risks. Here are some reasons why you need a Salesforce backup solution:

Accidental Data Deletion:

Users with proper access permissions can inadvertently delete important data, records, or fields. Without a backup, this data might be lost permanently.

Data Corruption:

Data corruption can occur due to various reasons, such as software bugs, integration issues, or faulty data imports. A backup allows you to restore clean data in such cases.

Ransomware or Cyber Attacks:

In the unfortunate event of a cyber attack or ransomware, your Salesforce data may become compromised. Having a backup ensures you can restore the data to a point before the attack occurred.

Data Migration Errors:

During data migration or integration processes, there’s a risk of data loss or incorrect data mapping. A backup allows you to roll back to a stable state if any issues arise.

User Error and Training:

New or inexperienced users might make errors while updating or modifying data. Having backups can mitigate the impact of these mistakes.

Compliance and Data Retention Requirements:

Depending on your industry and region, you might have specific compliance regulations that require data retention for a certain period. A backup solution can help you meet these requirements.

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery:

Natural disasters, server failures, or cloud outages could lead to data loss. A backup solution ensures business continuity and faster recovery in such scenarios.

Historical Data Analysis:

Some businesses need access to historical data for trend analysis, auditing, or forecasting. Backups can retain historical data even if it is removed from the active Salesforce environment.

Complex Data Models:

If your Salesforce instance has a complex data structure, manual data restoration might be time-consuming and prone to errors. A backup solution simplifies and accelerates this process.

Insufficient Native Salesforce Options:

While Salesforce provides some basic data export and backup features, they might not meet the specific needs of your organization, such as automated backups, data comparison, or selective restoration.

Native Salesforce Backup Solutions

Salesforce provides several native backup solutions to help users export and protect their data. These solutions are built into the platform and can be useful for basic data backup and export needs. Here are the primary native Salesforce backup options:

Data Export:

Salesforce offers a data export feature that allows users to export data in CSV (Comma Separated Values) format. This option is available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. You can manually select the objects you want to export and customize the date range for the data export.

To use Data Export, follow these steps:

Navigate to “Setup” in Salesforce.

Under “Data Management,” select “Data Export.”

Choose the objects you want to export and the export file format (CSV).

Specify the date range for the data you want to export.

Salesforce will process the export and send an email notification with a download link.

While Data Export is useful for simple manual backups, it might not be suitable for organizations with complex data structures or those who require automated, regular backups.

Data Loader:

Salesforce Data Loader is a client application that allows users to extract, transform, and load data into Salesforce. Although its primary purpose is data migration and import, it can also be used for data backup and export.

To use Data Loader for data backup, follow these steps:

Download and install the Salesforce Data Loader application.

Log in with your Salesforce credentials.

Use the “Export” option to extract data from Salesforce objects into CSV files.

Data Loader requires manual execution and does not provide automated scheduling, which may not be sufficient for organizations with high data change frequency.

Data Export Service (DES):

Data Export Service (DES) is an automated backup service provided by Salesforce. It allows users to schedule recurring weekly or monthly exports of their data. However, DES has some limitations:

It does not support all Salesforce objects.

Attachments are not included in DES backups.

To set up Data Export Service (DES), follow these steps:

Contact Salesforce support to enable DES for your organization.

Once enabled, navigate to “Setup” in Salesforce.

Under “Data Management,” select “Data Export.”

Choose the objects you want to export and the export frequency (weekly or monthly).

Salesforce will automatically perform the exports based on your chosen schedule.

While these native Salesforce backup options can provide basic data export capabilities, they may not be sufficient for organizations with complex data structures, large data volumes, or stringent backup requirements. In such cases, third-party Salesforce backup solutions with advanced features like automated backups, point-and-click restore, selective backup, and unlimited storage may be more suitable.

Third-Party Salesforce Backup Solutions

Third-party Salesforce backup solutions offer enhanced features and flexibility compared to the native backup options. These solutions are developed by independent vendors specializing in data protection and backup services for Salesforce. Here are some popular third-party Salesforce backup solutions:


Automated daily backups.

Point-and-click restore for quick data recovery.

Unlimited storage and data retention options.

Metadata backup to capture changes to configuration settings.

Compliance with industry standards and data security protocols.


Automated daily backups with flexible scheduling.

Point-and-click restore with granular recovery options.

Sandbox seeding for creating test environments with production data.

Compliance monitoring to detect data changes that may violate regulations.


Automated daily backups with data encryption.

Advanced search and restoration of specific data.

Data export to various platforms like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Unlimited storage for Salesforce data backup.


Automated daily backups with incremental backups to save storage space.

Data export to multiple cloud storage platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.

Compliance with industry security standards.

Apttus (formerly OwnBackup for Salesforce Backup & Restore):

On-demand and scheduled backups with retention policies.

Smart Alerts to monitor data changes and get notified of unusual activities.

Sandbox seeding and anonymization for data privacy.

Druva inSync:

Automated daily backups and unlimited storage.

Point-and-click restore with search capabilities for specific data retrieval.

Data governance and compliance features for regulatory requirements.


Automated daily backups with data encryption.

Data sandboxing for creating test environments with production data.

Data compliance and archiving features for regulatory compliance.


Automated daily backups with email notifications.

Advanced search and restore options for granular data retrieval.

Compliance monitoring for data governance.

When evaluating third-party Salesforce backup solutions, consider the following factors:

Backup Frequency and Automation:

Look for solutions that offer automated daily backups to ensure frequent data protection.

Data Retention and Storage:

Choose a solution that provides adequate data retention periods and offers sufficient storage space for your organization’s needs.

Point-and-Click Restore:

Ensure the solution offers an easy-to-use interface for data restoration without the need for technical expertise.

Data Security and Compliance: Verify that the solution complies with industry-standard security protocols and data privacy regulations.

Selective Backup and Restore:

Consider solutions that allow you to choose specific objects or records for backup and restore to save time and storage.

Customer Support and Reputation:

Research the vendor’s reputation for customer support and reliability.

Cost and Value:

Compare pricing models and features to find the best value for your organization.

Selecting the right third-party Salesforce backup solution can provide you with an extra layer of data protection, quick recovery from data loss events, and peace of mind in ensuring the safety of your critical business information.


In conclusion, ensuring the protection of your Salesforce data is not merely a precaution but an essential aspect of securing your business continuity and preserving data integrity. While Salesforce does offer native backup options, they may not fully address the comprehensive needs of organizations, especially those with intricate data structures or rigorous compliance requirements.

The significance of a dependable Salesforce Managed Service becomes evident when considering the myriad scenarios where data loss or corruption may occur, ranging from inadvertent deletions to cybersecurity threats and data migration glitches. Having a robust managed service strategy in place serves as a safety net for safeguarding your vital business data.

When evaluating your alternatives, Salesforce CPQ Service stands out as an excellent solution, offering an array of advanced features such as automated daily backups, seamless point-and-click restoration, selective backup capabilities, and extended data retention periods. These services often prioritize data security and compliance, instilling the confidence that your data is not only secure but readily accessible when the need arises.

Always bear in mind that your Salesforce data is the lifeblood of your organization’s customer relationships and operational processes. Investing in a dependable Salesforce Managed Service is a proactive measure that guarantees uninterrupted business operations, even when confronted with unforeseen challenges. With the right managed service strategy, you can shield your critical information, foster business continuity, and ultimately thrive in today’s data-centric business landscape.

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