Unconventional Car Theft Arrest: Forklift Operator Balances Suspect in Mid-Air Showdown

Unconventional Car Theft Arrest: Forklift Operator Balances Suspect in Mid-Air Showdown

Ohio Car Thief Foiled by Fearless Forklift Operator’s Aerial Standoff

In a remarkable turn of events in Ohio, an attempted car thief found himself in an unconventional standoff with a fearless forklift truck operator.

The skilled operator managed to keep the would-be thief, who was still inside the stolen vehicle, suspended 20 feet in the air until the police arrived, making for a bizarre and daring arrest.

The Scene Unfolds

The unusual incident was captured on Akron Police bodycam footage when officers were called to a local scrapyard, where a car theft was in progress.

The alert about the ongoing theft came from vigilant co-workers who witnessed the crime.

A Forklift Operator’s Heroic Intervention

Upon receiving the report, a forklift truck operator at the scrapyard sprung into action. With remarkable skill, he maneuvered the forklift to lift the stolen black SUV, with the thief still inside, high into the air.

The car hung perilously on the edge of the forklift as the operator held his ground, awaiting the arrival of law enforcement.

The Police Arrive

Akron Police officers quickly responded to the call and approached the thief, who was now dangling in mid-air inside the SUV.

One officer asked for the suspect’s name, to which the uncooperative thief responded, “None of your business, bro,” despite already being in handcuffs. The suspect, identified as 26-year-old Alexander Funk, claimed he was running from someone.

Third Time’s the Charm?

Staff at the junkyard revealed that this was the third time Funk had attempted to steal from their yard. However, this time, they were determined not to let him escape.

The ongoing issue of theft and other incidents in the area had prompted their resolute action.

A Risky Maneuver

One worker explained the situation to the police officer, saying, “This car’s bouncing, getting ready to flip off the forklift.” The thief remained suspended about 20 feet in the air inside the loader.

The workers at the scrapyard had decided not to lower the vehicle, ensuring that Funk remained in custody.

Unconventional Arrest

The arrest, marked by its unconventional nature, served as a testament to the determination of the scrapyard staff to put an end to the recurring thefts in their area.

Funk now faces charges of criminal trespassing and possessing criminal tools as a result of this extraordinary car theft incident.

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