Former Lawmaker Shehu Sani Calls for Single Currency in West Africa, Urges Economic Integration

Former Lawmaker Shehu Sani Calls for Single Currency in West Africa, Urges Economic Integration

…By Jack Sylva for TDPel Media. Former Kaduna Central lawmaker, Shehu Sani, has urged West African countries to adopt a single currency for the region.


Sani specifically mentioned Ghana, Sierra Leone, and French-speaking West African nations, suggesting that they abandon their respective currencies in favor of a unified currency.

Drawing parallels with European countries like Germany, Italy, Greece, and France, which set aside their strong currencies for economic integration, Sani emphasized that West Africa should also strive for collective economic prosperity.

Quest for Single Currency

Expressing his views on Twitter, Sani stated that Nigeria, Ghana, Gambia, Sierra Leone, and the French-speaking West African countries should consider discarding their national currencies and embrace a single currency.


He questioned why achieving a unified currency for West Africa seemed so challenging when European nations had successfully accomplished it.

Sani highlighted the potential benefits of economic integration and urged the region to seize the opportunity.

Accountability for Oil Theft

In addition to his stance on a single currency, Sani also raised concerns about crude oil theft in Nigeria’s coastal waters.

He called for the Nigerian military to be questioned regarding their whereabouts during incidents of oil theft.

Sani acknowledged the lack of evidence to directly accuse the military of involvement in oil theft but stressed the importance of holding them accountable by demanding explanations for their location during such occurrences.


Linking Oil Theft and National Security

Sani further emphasized the seriousness of oil theft by suggesting that those capable of stealing crude oil with a ship could potentially pose a threat to national security.

By drawing attention to the military’s role in preventing such incidents, he implied that their vigilance and accountability were crucial in safeguarding Nigeria’s resources and territorial integrity.

As a vocal advocate for economic integration and accountability, Shehu Sani’s remarks address both regional financial collaboration and concerns about protecting Nigeria’s valuable natural resources.


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