Can “Puddings with Penny” Save the Tories? Mordaunt Focuses on Local Support While Sunak Faces Leadership Challenge and Election Fears

Can “Puddings with Penny” Save the Tories? Mordaunt Focuses on Local Support While Sunak Faces Leadership Challenge and Election Fears

Penny Mordaunt, Leader of the House of Commons, has ignited rumors of a potential leadership bid by revealing extensive engagement with local Conservative party members.

In a letter to the Daily Telegraph, she corrected a previous report and stated she has made over 70 visits to local associations since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister.

These visits, she claims, have raised “hundreds of thousands of pounds” for party candidates and associations.

Mordaunt further pledged to continue these visits in the coming months leading up to the general election.

Positioning for a Post-Sunak Era?

Mordaunt’s actions are likely to fuel speculation that she is positioning herself as a potential successor to Sunak.

Recent reports suggested she could be a “unity candidate” attracting support from both moderate and right-wing factions within the Conservative Party.

Rebel MPs reportedly aim to challenge Sunak’s leadership before the general election, possibly targeting the May bank holiday period.

Looming Local Elections Cast a Shadow

The upcoming local elections on May 2nd are expected to deliver a significant blow to the Conservatives.

Polling experts predict losses upwards of 500 seats, with Sunak facing potential leadership challenges based on those results.

Mordaunt’s Active Campaigning

Mordaunt’s letter details her travel across the UK to meet with local party members.

Events with titles like “The Sword of Truth Black Tie Dinner” and “Puddings with Penny” showcase her active campaigning efforts.

These visits aim to raise funds and support for Conservative candidates in the upcoming general election.

Sunak’s Future Remains Uncertain

While speculation regarding Sunak’s future has subsided recently, a poor showing in the local elections could reignite leadership questions.

The party is defending a large number of seats won during Boris Johnson’s high point in office.

Analysts predict a Conservative loss is “inevitable” and could lead to a loss of up to half their contested seats.
