Spate of “Crash-and-Grab” Burglaries Hits Seattle Boutique: Rush Hour Store Targeted Twice in Four Days

Spate of “Crash-and-Grab” Burglaries Hits Seattle Boutique: Rush Hour Store Targeted Twice in Four Days

Spate of “Crash-and-Grab” Burglaries Hits Seattle Boutique: Rush Hour Store Targeted Twice in Four Days

In a troubling trend sweeping across the state, Rush Hour, a newly-opened boutique store in Seattle, has become the victim of two consecutive “crash-and-grab” burglaries within just four days.

The store, specializing in sneakers, vintage items, and streetwear, faced targeted attacks using stolen vehicles, raising concerns about the growing frequency of such incidents.

Seattle Boutique Rush Hour Faces Double Burglaries in Disturbing Trend: “Crash-and-Grab” Thieves Strike Twice

Rush Hour, a boutique store in Seattle specializing in sneakers and streetwear, has fallen prey to a disturbing trend of “crash-and-grab” burglaries.

The store experienced two consecutive break-ins within four days, with thieves using stolen vehicles to ram through the storefront and make off with high-priced merchandise. The incidents highlight a rising concern in the area.

Rush Hour Store in Seattle Falls Victim to Two Consecutive “Crash-and-Grab” Burglaries: Trend Grows Alarming

Seattle’s Rush Hour store, dealing in sneakers, vintage items, and streetwear, is grappling with the aftermath of two successive “crash-and-grab” burglaries.

The incidents, occurring within a span of four days, showcase a growing and alarming trend where thieves deploy stolen vehicles to smash through storefronts and steal valuable goods.

Boutique Store Rush Hour in Seattle Hit Twice in Four Days: “Crash-and-Grab” Thieves Target High-End Merchandise

Rush Hour, a boutique store in Seattle known for its collection of sneakers and vintage items, faced a double blow as it fell victim to two “crash-and-grab” burglaries within a short four-day timeframe.

Thieves used stolen vehicles to break into the store, leaving the owners grappling with significant losses of high-end merchandise.

Seattle’s Rush Hour Store Faces Back-to-Back Burglaries: “Crash-and-Grab” Thieves Strike Again

Rush Hour, a newly-opened boutique store in Seattle, is reeling from two back-to-back “crash-and-grab” burglaries.

The incidents, occurring within a span of four days, involve thieves using stolen vehicles to forcefully enter the store and make off with valuable items. The repeated attacks underscore the growing concern of this trend in the area.

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