The Need for Female Representation in Nigerian Politics, A Call for a Female Speaker in the 10th National Assembly

The Need for Female Representation in Nigerian Politics, A Call for a Female Speaker in the 10th National Assembly

…By Larry John for TDPel Media. The Member representing Okigwe North Federal Constituency of Imo State, Hon. Miriam Odinaka Onuoha, has expressed her support for electing a female Speaker to lead the House of Representatives in the upcoming 10th National Assembly.


In her statement, she emphasized the importance of cautious decision-making in selecting the leaders of the National Assembly, as it aligns with Nigeria’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reflects the nation’s stance on equality and women’s roles in society.

Furthermore, she noted that Nigeria lags behind countries like Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa, where women currently hold the position of Speaker.

The Importance of Female Representation:

Onuoha highlighted the significance of female participation in politics and parliamentary hierarchies as a measurement index for the country’s adherence to the SDGs.

Comparing Nigeria’s abysmal 5 percent representation of women in politics to other countries with over 46 percent representation, she expressed concern over Nigeria’s lagging progress.

She stressed that Nigeria’s lack of female representation in leadership positions should be a matter of worry for the nation, especially when observing how women are treated in Nigerian politics.

Advocating for Change:

Appealing to her colleagues for support, Onuoha asserted that her bid for Speakership is not a new feat for women in Nigerian politics.


She cited Madam Patricia Etteh, who led the Green Chambers 16 years ago, as an example.

Onuoha urged her colleagues to recognize the potential of a female Speaker and emphasized that her election would provide Nigeria with grounds to argue for inclusivity and diversity, reflecting the true nature of the Nigerian society.

Promise of New Ideas and Solutions:

In addition to advocating for female representation, Onuoha pledged to bring innovative ideas and practical solutions to address Nigeria’s struggling economy if she is given the opportunity to lead.

Her commitment to resolving economic challenges underscores her desire to make a positive impact and contribute to the development of the nation.

Analysis and Commentary:

Hon. Miriam Odinaka Onuoha’s call for a female Speaker in the 10th National Assembly shines a spotlight on the urgent need for increased female representation in Nigerian politics.

By emphasizing the correlation between gender equality and the SDGs, she highlights the importance of aligning Nigeria’s political landscape with global standards.

Nigeria’s current representation of women in politics falls far behind that of other countries, indicating a systemic issue that needs to be addressed.

Onuoha’s desire to be Speaker not only serves as a personal aspiration but also symbolizes a broader movement toward inclusivity and diversity in Nigerian politics.


The argument for electing a female Speaker extends beyond gender balance.

Onuoha suggests that a female Speaker would provide a voice and perspective that reflects the true nature of Nigerian society.

By supporting her bid for Speakership, her colleagues would not only be championing gender equality but also acknowledging the valuable contributions and unique experiences that women bring to the table.

Furthermore, Onuoha’s pledge to bring new ideas and pragmatic solutions to the table demonstrates her readiness to address Nigeria’s economic challenges.

This commitment showcases her determination to lead with competence and make a positive impact on the nation’s development.

In conclusion, Hon. Miriam Odinaka Onuoha’s call for a female Speaker in the 10th National Assembly highlights the pressing need for increased female representation in Nigerian politics.

Her plea for cautious decision-making, alignment with the SDGs, and the recognition of Nigeria’s lagging progress compared to other countries demonstrates her dedication to promoting equality and inclusivity.

By electing a female Speaker, Nigeria can take a significant step toward achieving a more balanced and representative political landscape.


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About the Author:

Larry John is a talented writer and journalist based in New York, USA. He is a valued contributor to TDPel Media, where he creates engaging and informative content for readers. Larry has a keen interest in current events, business, and technology, and he enjoys exploring these topics in-depth to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the issues. His writing style is characterized by its clarity, precision, and attention to detail, which make his articles a pleasure to read. Larry’s passion for storytelling has earned him a reputation as a skilled writer and a respected authority in his field.

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