Vice President Shettima Engages Nigerian Students and ECOWAS Ambassadors in Beijing

Vice President Shettima Engages Nigerian Students and ECOWAS Ambassadors in Beijing

Vice President Shettima’s Engagements in Beijing

Vice President Kashim Shettima had a series of engagements in Beijing, China, on Monday.

His visit was in connection with the 3rd Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Forum.

Meeting with Nigerian Students

One of the key highlights of his visit was a meeting with Nigerian students studying in Beijing. The vice president took the time to interact with these students, addressing their concerns and fostering a sense of community among Nigerians in China.

Addressing ECOWAS Ambassadors in China

Vice President Shettima also had a significant diplomatic engagement during his visit. He addressed the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Ambassadors based in China.

His address likely touched upon regional cooperation and diplomatic relations.

Meeting with Nigerian Embassy Staff

In addition to engaging with Nigerian students and ECOWAS Ambassadors, the vice president met with the staff of the Nigerian Embassy in Beijing.

Such meetings are crucial for strengthening ties between diplomatic missions and the home country.

Reception at the Nigerian Embassy

Upon his arrival in Beijing, Vice President Shettima was warmly received at the Nigerian Embassy by the Nigerian Ambassador, Baba Ahmad Jidda.

This reception signified the official nature of his visit to China.

Senate Drama: Emergency Closed Session

In other news, the Nigerian Senate experienced a dramatic turn of events. Senate President Godswill Akpabio called for an emergency closed session during the plenary session on Tuesday.

This move came after Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume staged a walkout in protest.

Walkout by Senator Ndume

Senator Ndume, the Chief Whip of the Senate, had raised a point of order and cited order 54 of the Senate Standing Orders.

He expressed his disagreement with the Senate President’s approach to handling issues.

Ruling by Senate President Akpabio

In response to Ndume’s protest, Senate President Akpabio intervened and cited order 54, stating that it did not support the point raised by Senator Ndume. Consequently, he ruled Ndume out of order.

Emergency Closed Session

Following Ndume’s walkout, he received a call from a colleague, urging him to return to the chamber for an executive session.

As of the time of reporting, the executive session was ongoing.

The developments in the Senate highlight the dynamics of parliamentary proceedings and the significance of internal discussions within the Nigerian legislative body.

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