Peter Obi Supports Bill Gates’ Positive View on Nigerian Brain Drain: Sees Departure as Future Gain for the Country

Peter Obi Supports Bill Gates’ Positive View on Nigerian Brain Drain: Sees Departure as Future Gain for the Country

…By Babatunde Lucas for TDPel Media. The Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate in the last election, Peter Obi, has expressed his agreement with Bill Gates’ recent remarks on the increasing number of young Nigerian professionals leaving the country in search of better opportunities.


In response to Gates’ comments during an interactive session in Lagos State, Obi emphasized that the departure of individuals today may appear as a loss, but in the future, their knowledge and resources can contribute significantly to nation-building.

Bill Gates’ Perspective on Nigerian Brain Drain

During an event titled ‘Advancing Africa: Unleashing the Power of Youth in Science and Innovation,’ Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates addressed the phenomenon known as ‘Japa,’ referring to the trend of young Nigerians leaving the country for better prospects elsewhere.

Gates acknowledged that while the exodus may initially seem detrimental, it can be viewed as a positive occurrence if Nigeria enhances its training programs and welcomes back professionals who can contribute to the country’s development.


Peter Obi’s Agreement with Bill Gates’ Statement

Peter Obi, former Governor of Anambra State and the LP presidential candidate, expressed his concurrence with Bill Gates’ perspective on Nigerian brain drain.

Through a statement shared on his Twitter page, Obi affirmed that the departure of individuals seeking greener pastures would eventually benefit Nigeria, despite its present appearance as a loss.

Brain Drain as Future Brain Gain

Obi reiterated his long-held position on the “japa” wave, emphasizing that Nigeria’s brain drain today can transform into brain gain in the future.

Drawing parallels with other developing countries like China, India, and Ireland, he highlighted the potential for returning professionals to play a critical role in the building of a New Nigeria.

India’s Success Story and Nigeria’s Potential

The former governor cited India’s progress as an example, with the country now boasting a vast pool of tech talents, renowned engineers, and computer scientists.


Notably, CEOs of various global tech companies hail from India.

Obi expressed optimism that Nigeria, through proper governance and strategic investments in education, healthcare, and small businesses, could replicate India’s success story and foster growth and development in all sectors.

Building the New Nigeria

Obi emphasized the need for a New Nigeria that prioritizes education, healthcare, support for small businesses, the rule of law, security, and national unity.

He envisioned that when the foundations of the New Nigeria are established, diasporan Nigerians with their global training, skills, and resources will return home, making invaluable contributions to the nation’s progress.

Obi concluded by reaffirming his unwavering commitment to realizing the dreams of a better Nigeria.


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