smugglers should be treated ‘on a par with terrorism’ – Stammer

smugglers should be treated ‘on a par with terrorism’ – Stammer

Keir Starmer’s Call for Treating People-Smuggling Like Terrorism

Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party, has asserted that people-smuggling should be regarded with the same seriousness as terrorism. He has unveiled plans for new measures to curb small boat crossings if Labour wins the upcoming general election. These measures include deepening intelligence collaboration with Europe and enhancing authorities’ abilities to restrict the movements of individuals suspected of involvement in organized immigration crime.

National Security Focus

Sir Keir emphasized that the primary responsibility of any government is national security, which entails safeguarding the British populace from both domestic and international threats. He argued that the government’s failure to combat criminal smuggling gangs orchestrating boat crossings is so severe that it should be considered one of the country’s top security threats, alongside climate change, hostile foreign powers, and terrorism.

Leadership Credentials

Sir Keir Starmer, a former director of public prosecutions, is highlighting his leadership credentials during a visit to The Hague, Netherlands, accompanied by shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper. This visit underscores his commitment to addressing immigration crime.

Appealing to Swing Voters

Taking a tough stance on immigration crime is seen as crucial for gaining the trust of swing voters and demonstrating Labour’s ability to curtail Channel crossings, which exceeded 22,200 in 2023. This positioning is especially pertinent as a general election is anticipated next year.

Key Measures in Labour’s Plan

Labour’s plan includes working toward a new agreement with the EU for real-time intelligence sharing, similar to the Schengen Information System II, which the UK had access to before Brexit. Additionally, the party pledges to bolster authorities’ powers to restrict the movements of people smugglers and traffickers by streamlining the process of obtaining civil orders known as serious crime prevention orders.

Ruthless Approach

Sir Keir Starmer vowed that his Labour government would be twice as determined to dismantle criminal smuggling networks and secure Britain’s borders. He criticized the government’s failures, asserting that these smuggling gangs have thrived while the Conservatives have relied on empty rhetoric regarding illegal immigration for political gain.

Global Engagements

Sir Keir’s visit to The Hague precedes a summit of “progressive” politicians in Montreal, Canada. Reports also suggest that he is set to meet with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris. His tenure as Labour leader has included meetings with various European leaders, including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and former Irish Premier Micheal Martin. Furthermore, he may seek a meeting with US President Joe Biden in the near future, given his interest in Biden’s economic policies and green initiatives.

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