Terror Strikes Oyo State as Unknown Gunmen Abduct Two, Leaving a Community in Fear and Anguish

Terror Strikes Oyo State as Unknown Gunmen Abduct Two, Leaving a Community in Fear and Anguish

Unknown Gunmen Strike in Oyo State, Abducting Two Victims in Otu Town:

In a harrowing incident, unknown gunmen reportedly abducted two individuals in the early hours of Saturday in Otu town, situated in the Itesiwaju Local Government Area within Oke Ogun geopolitical zone of Oyo State.

Victims Identified: Dayo Olayanju and Kehinde Obasola’s Wife Targeted:

The victims of this disturbing incident have been identified as Dayo Olayanju and the wife of Kehinde Obasola.

Reports indicate that Kehinde Obasola managed to escape the attack, albeit sustaining gunshot wounds, while his wife fell prey to the gunmen who executed the kidnapping.

Details of the Abduction Remain Unclear:

As of the latest report, the whereabouts of the kidnapped victims have not been disclosed. The lack of information raises concerns and adds to the distress surrounding the incident, leaving the community in suspense and anxiety.

Community Leader Confirms Early Morning Abduction:

A community leader from the local government area affirmed the occurrence of the kidnapping, shedding light on the timeline of the incident.

The leader conveyed that the abduction transpired around 2 am on Saturday, with the victims taken from different locations, including along Okeho road.

Dayo Olayanju and Kehinde Obasola’s Wife Among the Abducted:

The two individuals confirmed to have been kidnapped are Dayo Olayanju and the wife of Kehinde Obasola. While Kehinde Obasola managed to evade capture despite sustaining gunshot wounds, his wife was unfortunate in falling victim to the assailants.

Police Silence Amidst Rising Concerns:

Despite efforts by the media to gather information on the incident, attempts to reach the Public Relations Officer of the state police command, Adewale Osifeso, proved futile.

Calls made to his telephone line went unanswered, leaving the public in the dark regarding the ongoing investigation into the abduction.

This brazen act of violence has not only left the victims’ families in distress but has also heightened fears within the community, emphasizing the urgent need for authorities to address the escalating security concerns in Oyo State.

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