Nursery Fined £225,000 and Forced to Close After Mouse Infestation and Hygiene Breaches

Nursery Fined £225,000 and Forced to Close After Mouse Infestation and Hygiene Breaches

…By Lola Smith for TDPel Media. A nursery in Leytonstone, east London, has faced severe consequences after fresh mouse droppings were discovered throughout the playrooms, kitchen, and near a sink.


The distressing images revealed hundreds of droppings scattered in the early years care building, raising concerns about the well-being of the children.

The nursery, operated by international firm Busy Bees Nurseries Limited, has been fined £225,000 and ordered to close.

Additionally, it pleaded guilty to food safety and hygiene offences and incurred additional costs and a victim surcharge.

Mouse Infestation and Hygiene Failures Uncovered:

During a routine inspection by the Environmental Health Officer, several alarming issues were revealed at Busy Bees Nursery.

The major concern was a significant infestation of mice, as fresh rodent droppings were found under units and in the storeroom.

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Moreover, the inspection exposed further shortcomings, including a broken boiler resulting in no hot water, a lack of soap in the toilets, and inadequate cleaning practices.


These findings painted a grim picture of the nursery’s conditions, starkly contrasting with its claims of providing the “best start in life” and nurturing environments for children.

Immediate Closure and Strong Reaction:

Upon the discovery of the appalling conditions, the nursery was promptly closed down.

Councillor Khevyn Limbajee, Waltham Forest’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety, expressed shock at the findings.

He emphasized the trust parents place in nurseries to provide a safe and clean environment for their children, highlighting the vulnerability of young children to diseases due to their developing immune systems.

Serious Penalties Reflecting the Offences:

Busy Bees Nurseries Limited, operating hundreds of establishments across the UK, faced legal consequences for their failures.

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In addition to the substantial fine of £225,000, the company was ordered to pay £15,092 in costs and a £190 victim surcharge.

The seriousness of the offences was recognized by the judge, who imposed significant penalties to reflect the severity of the situation.

The intervention of the Food & Safety Team was crucial in safeguarding children from hazardous conditions that could have adversely affected their health.



The discovery of a mice infestation and multiple hygiene failures at Busy Bees Nursery in Leytonstone has resulted in substantial fines and the immediate closure of the establishment.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining high standards of cleanliness and safety in childcare facilities.

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The penalties imposed on Busy Bees Nurseries Limited reflect the gravity of the offences, highlighting the need for strict adherence to food safety and hygiene regulations to ensure the well-being of children in their care.


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About the Author:

Lola Smith is a highly experienced writer and journalist with over 25 years of experience in the field. Her special interest lies in journalistic writeups, where she can utilize her skills and knowledge to bring important stories to the public eye. Lola’s dedication to her craft is unparalleled, and she writes with passion and precision, ensuring that her articles are informative, engaging, and thought-provoking. She lives in New York, USA.

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