Nigeria Seeks International Support for Civil Aviation Master Plan and Airport Development

Nigeria Seeks International Support for Civil Aviation Master Plan and Airport Development

Minister Keyamo’s Diplomatic Mission

Festus Keyamo, the Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development, embarked on a diplomatic mission to the headquarters of the United Nations (UN) Aviation Agency in New York, USA, and the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in Montreal, Canada.

This visit aimed to seek the support of these international regulatory bodies for Nigeria’s comprehensive civil aviation master plan and airports’ development.

Reception at ICAO Headquarters

During his visit to the ICAO headquarters in Montreal, Keyamo was warmly received by prominent figures, including the ICAO Council President, Salvatore Sciacchitano, the Secretary-General, Juan Carlos Salazar, and Nigeria’s Representative on the ICAO Council, Engr. Ben Tukur.

Keyamo’s Objectives

Minister Keyamo emphasized the significance of this international engagement, particularly in advancing Nigeria’s civil aviation sector.

The focus of the discussions revolved around the comprehensive civil aviation master plan and strategies for the development of airports within Nigeria.

Accompanying Delegation

Keyamo was accompanied by key figures from Nigeria’s aviation sector, including the Director-General of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Capt.

Musa Nuhu, and the Managing Director of the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA), Mr. Tayib Odunowo.

Diplomatic Endeavors in Photos

The post includes photographs capturing moments from Minister Keyamo’s diplomatic mission, highlighting the interactions with officials from the UN Aviation Agency and ICAO.

These images underscore the importance of international collaboration in advancing Nigeria’s aviation goals.

Seeking International Support

The visit to the UN Aviation Agency and ICAO demonstrates Nigeria’s commitment to fostering global partnerships and garnering support for the nation’s aviation initiatives.

It reflects the government’s dedication to enhancing the civil aviation sector and developing vital infrastructure, such as airports, to meet international standards.

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