Keyamo issues stern warning against tampering with judicial process

Keyamo issues stern warning against tampering with judicial process

…By Larry John for TDPel Media. Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Festus Keyamo, has issued a stern warning to those who are planning to sabotage the judicial process at the election tribunal cases.

Keyamo noted that such individuals would end up creating another Sudan in Nigeria if they attempted to tamper with the judicial process.

In a tweet posted on Monday, Keyamo, who was the campaign spokesperson for President-elect Bola Tinubu during the just concluded 2023 elections, described the move as one of the “cheap tactics” that would not be tolerated.

He emphasized the need for the tribunals and courts to be allowed to decide the cases without any form of intimidation from any of the parties involved.

Keyamo called on supporters of the All Progressives Congress (APC) and all patriots to remain calm and be respectful towards the judiciary.

He also urged them to be ready at all times to respect and defend the judiciary and the constitution, no matter which way the wind blows. According to Keyamo, any attempt to destroy the judiciary, as these characters are bent on doing, is an invitation to another ‘Sudan’.

The Minister further added that those who often issue empty boasts that they are a different ‘movement’ and the judiciary should not ‘mess’ with them, will soon realize that the judiciary is also a different kind of institution with which they cannot ‘mess’.


In Nigeria, the judiciary is an independent institution that is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the laws of the country.

It is important for all parties involved in the election tribunal cases to respect the independence of the judiciary and allow it to perform its duties without any form of interference.

The warning from Keyamo emphasizes the need for a peaceful resolution of election disputes in Nigeria.


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