Imo State Governor Denies Responsibility for Killings, Labels Accusations as Smear Campaign

Imo State Governor Denies Responsibility for Killings, Labels Accusations as Smear Campaign

Governor Uzodinma Denies Responsibility for Killings

Imo State Governor, Hope Uzodinma, vehemently denied any involvement or responsibility for the recent spate of killings in the state.

He made this assertion during an event at his hometown in Ozuh Omuma, Oru East Local Government Area of the state.

The occasion marked the dedication of St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church Parish Ozuh Omuma.

Accusations Labeled as Smear Campaign

A statement released by the governor’s spokesperson, Oguwike Nwachuku, quoted Governor Uzodinma as stating that linking him or his government to the killings is a deliberate attempt to tarnish his reputation.

He expressed deep concern over these allegations, characterizing them as “evil” and “devilish.” The governor firmly rejected any association with the violence that has plagued Imo State.

Call for Peace and Repentance

During the event, Most Rev Dr. Augustine Ukwuoma, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Orlu, delivered a homily emphasizing the importance of the Church’s dedication in fostering peace and ending the insecurity and bloodshed in the area and other parts of the state.

Governor Uzodinma echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the need for peace to effectively serve the people of Imo State.

God’s Grace and Gratitude

Governor Uzodinma expressed his gratitude for the dignitaries who attended the dedication ceremony and took the opportunity to assert his belief in God’s role in his leadership.

He underscored that despite accusations and attempts to smear his image and government, God has been on his side.

He reminded the congregation that “power belongs to God” and that his administration remains committed to maintaining peace and security in the state.

A Plea to Perpetrators

In his closing remarks, Governor Uzodinma admonished those responsible for the violence and unrest in Imo State to reconsider their actions. He warned them to cease their harmful activities or face the consequences before God.

The governor maintained that he and his government have no involvement in the crises and violence plaguing the state, emphasizing that it is inconceivable to associate him with such actions in a state governed by divine providence.


Governor Hope Uzodinma firmly denied any responsibility for the killings in Imo State and condemned accusations against him and his government.

He expressed his commitment to peace and urged those involved in violence and insecurity to repent and seek peace, emphasizing that the state belongs to God and must be governed with divine guidance.

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