Former Police Officer Faces Judicial Review for Harassment of Camden Crime Victim

Former Police Officer Faces Judicial Review for Harassment of Camden Crime Victim

…By Larry John for TDPel Media. In a troubling case of alleged police misconduct, James Mason, a former Sergeant at Kentish Town police station, has been accused of harassing Kristina O’Connor, a victim of crime.


O’Connor, who was mugged in October 2011, found herself fending off advances from Mason, who was responsible for the robbery investigation.

This incident has led to a judicial review claim by O’Connor, arguing that Mason should have faced more severe consequences for his actions.

Harassment and Exploitation:

O’Connor, the daughter of the late TV star Des O’Connor, disclosed to Mason that she worked as a croupier at the Playboy casino in Mayfair.

Instead of offering support, Mason reportedly asked her intrusive and personal questions, utilizing heavy sexual overtones during their conversations at the police station.

Furthermore, he asked her out for dinner after she mentioned being mugged on her way to Sainsbury’s, displaying a complete disregard for his professional responsibilities.

Inappropriate Communication:

As the police investigation progressed, Mason’s misconduct continued through email exchanges.


He invited O’Connor for a drink, offered to take her picture, and shockingly commented on her appearance, stating, “I am sure you still looking amazingly hot” despite her injuries from the robbery.

When O’Connor expressed her disgust and warned him of potential consequences, Mason responded defensively, implying that pursuing victims was encouraged and that rejection was frowned upon.

He even went as far as ranking her as his “favorite Camden victim of crime.”

Misconduct and Disciplinary Action:

O’Connor reported Mason’s behavior in October 2020, leading to a misconduct hearing a year later.

By that time, Mason had been promoted to the rank of Detective Chief Inspector.

The disciplinary panel found him guilty of gross misconduct but issued him with a lenient three-year written warning instead of more severe penalties.

Dissatisfied with the panel’s decision, O’Connor has brought a High Court Judicial Review claim, arguing that Mason should have been dismissed.

Alleged Failures by the Metropolitan Police:

O’Connor has accused the Metropolitan Police of failures in the investigation of her complaint against Mason, claiming that they did not present all the relevant material to the misconduct panel.


This raises concerns about the transparency and effectiveness of the disciplinary process within the police force.

Mason’s Response and Legal Challenge:

Having retired from the Metropolitan Police in 2022, Mason is contesting all aspects of O’Connor’s Judicial Review claim.

He is challenging the legality of the misconduct panel’s findings, alleging errors in law and the consideration of irrelevant factors.

This legal dispute adds to the ongoing crisis surrounding the Metropolitan Police, coming shortly after the conviction of Wayne Couzens for the rape and murder of Sarah Everard.

Statement by the Met Commissioner:

Met Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley condemned Mason’s behavior, describing it as “abusive and predatory.”

He emphasized that officers engaging in such misconduct have no place in the Metropolitan Police Service.

However, the Commissioner acknowledges that he lacks the authority to summarily dismiss an officer and must rely on the existing regulatory system.


The ongoing judicial review hearing involving Kristina O’Connor’s claim against James Mason highlights the distressing allegations of harassment and exploitation by a police officer.


The case raises questions about the disciplinary process within the Metropolitan Police and the consequences faced by officers found guilty of misconduct.

The outcome of this legal challenge may have significant implications for the handling of similar cases in the future.

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About the Author:

Larry John is a talented writer and journalist based in New York, USA. He is a valued contributor to TDPel Media, where he creates engaging and informative content for readers. Larry has a keen interest in current events, business, and technology, and he enjoys exploring these topics in-depth to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the issues. His writing style is characterized by its clarity, precision, and attention to detail, which make his articles a pleasure to read. Larry’s passion for storytelling has earned him a reputation as a skilled writer and a respected authority in his field.

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