Former Factory Cleaner Accused of Attempted Poisoning with Viagra-Laced Coffee

Former Factory Cleaner Accused of Attempted Poisoning with Viagra-Laced Coffee

Allegations and Secret Filming:

Karen Beale, a former factory cleaner at Envirograf, a fire protection product manufacturer in Dover, is facing accusations of attempting to poison female colleagues by contaminating their office coffee with Viagra and other chemicals.

Canterbury Crown Court heard that the alleged actions were uncovered when a colleague, suspicious of odd tastes and specks in her coffee, set up a secret camera in the office.

Incriminating Footage:

Camera footage from September 2018, lasting 13 minutes, captured Beale purportedly tampering with Nescafe instant granules.

In the footage, Beale, wearing gloves, is seen shaking a coffee jar and emptying its contents.

Another clip allegedly shows her using her sleeve over a bare hand to avoid leaving fingerprints.

The contaminated coffee jars were later found in the offices of company secretary Jean Smith and accountant Katrina Gravenor.

Prosecution’s Case:

Prosecutor Matthew Hodgetts asserted that Beale intended harm by placing abnormal “ingredients,” including Sildenafil (Viagra), in the coffee jars.

While acknowledging that the substances were not toxic, the prosecution argued that Beale aimed to cause annoyance or harm.

Beale denies the charges, claiming the allegations are “malicious” and stating she was merely inspecting the coffee.

Denial and Manager’s Involvement:

Beale, now residing in Winsley, Westbury, Shropshire, denied attempting to administer poison, expressing feeling “stunned” at her arrest due to her clean record.

She contended that general manager Paul Ackerman-Mond had instructed her to “keep an eye” on the coffee after concerns were raised by Katrina Gravenor.

Beale insisted she had no grievances with her colleagues and described her actions as hygienic improvisation, not a criminal act.

Manager’s Defense and Ongoing Trial:

Paul Ackerman-Mond denied attempting to set up Beale or being aware of the secret camera.

The trial continues with conflicting narratives and a focus on whether Beale’s actions were malicious or innocent.

The prosecution maintains the intent to harm, while the defense argues Beale’s innocence and a misunderstanding of her role in the coffee inspection.


The case unfolds with elements of intrigue, as Beale faces serious charges that involve not only workplace dynamics but also the use of unexpected substances.

The trial’s outcome will likely hinge on the interpretation of Beale’s actions, her intent, and the credibility of her defense.

Workplace tensions, personal dynamics, and managerial involvement add layers to the unfolding legal proceedings.
