Expelling Nyesom Wike from PDP Could Have Unforeseen Consequences, Warns Close Associate

Expelling Nyesom Wike from PDP Could Have Unforeseen Consequences, Warns Close Associate

…By Dorcas Funmi for TDPel Media. A close associate of former Rivers State Governor Senator Olaka Wogu has raised concerns over the potential consequences if the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) decides to expel Nyesom Wike, the current governor of the state.


Wogu cautioned that such actions could lead to unforeseen fallout.

Defending Wike’s Right to Serve:

In an interview with Punch, Wogu emphasized that it would be a mistake for the PDP to oust Wike, stating that he has the right and duty to serve his country.

Wike’s acceptance of a ministerial role or any other governmental position, according to Wogu, is not inappropriate for a former governor.


Unpredictable Ramifications:

Wogu expressed his belief that expelling Wike from the PDP, regardless of the circumstances, would be a tragedy, travesty, and mistake.

He argued that the decision to tamper with Wike should be carefully considered due to potential consequences that may arise as a result.

Considerations and Wisdom:

Wogu stressed that any attempt to expel Wike must be approached with wisdom and thoughtful consideration, as it is not a decision to be made lightly.

He highlighted the likelihood of significant repercussions if such action is taken.

Wike’s Indifference to Party Expulsion:

According to Wogu, Wike operates independently of concerns about being expelled from the party.


He suggested that Wike adheres to his own set of rules, drawing an analogy to the animal kingdom where equality may vary.

Wogu concluded that while all animals may be considered equal, some are more equal than others.


The cautionary remarks from Senator Olaka Wogu, a close associate of former Governor Nyesom Wike, serve as a warning to the PDP regarding the potential fallout of expelling Wike.

Wogu defends Wike’s right to serve his country and emphasizes the need for careful consideration and wisdom in dealing with such a significant decision.


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