Concerns Rise Over Governors Administering States Remotely

Concerns Rise Over Governors Administering States Remotely

Governors’ Absence Sparks Concerns of Remote Governance in Nigerian States

Growing Evidence Highlights Governors Residing Outside Their States

Citizens and Stakeholders Express Concerns About Remote Governance

Constitutional Requirements Clash with Remote Governance Practices

Examining Five Governors Who Spend Significant Time Away from Their States

The situation of governors residing outside their states while overseeing governance remotely is a matter of increasing concern in Nigeria.

This practice is raising questions about the principles of good governance and the constitutional obligations of these elected officials.

The governors in question often delegate their responsibilities to their deputies, a practice that does not align with the expectation that governors should be physically present in their states to ensure security and protect lives and property.

The report identifies five governors who have faced scrutiny for their remote governance practices.

In Kwara State, Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq, who also serves as the Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum, has been criticized for spending minimal time in the state since assuming his NGF role.

This absence has raised concerns about the use of security vehicles intended for local security, which were allegedly repurposed for private use.

Similarly, Governor Mohammed Inuwa Yahaya of Gombe State, who is also the Chairman of the Northern Governors’ Forum, has faced criticism for his absence from the state and for not designating his deputy as an acting governor during his prolonged stays outside the state.

Governor Ahmed Aliyu Sokoto of Sokoto State has been urged by residents to spend more time in the state and connect with his people, as his frequent trips outside the state have caused dissatisfaction among his constituents.

The Governor of Zamfara State, Dr. Dauda Lawal, has come under scrutiny for rarely spending time in the state since his inauguration, particularly in the context of the state’s security challenges.

This has left residents grappling with these issues, despite his campaign promises to address them.

In the case of Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State, there has been a shift in his approach.

While he previously governed from Abuja, he is now more actively engaged in Lokoja, the state capital.

This change coincides with political developments, such as the loss of the APC presidential ticket and the emergence of President Bola Tinubu.

The concerns raised by citizens and stakeholders reflect a broader discussion about governance, accountability, and the need for elected officials to fulfill their responsibilities in their respective states.

It remains to be seen how these governors will respond to these concerns and whether there will be a shift in their governance practices.
