Cocaine Dealer Caught with £15,000 Worth of Drugs, Cash, and Bullion: Family Man’s Shocking Arrest

Cocaine Dealer Caught with £15,000 Worth of Drugs, Cash, and Bullion: Family Man’s Shocking Arrest

…By Alan Peterson for TDPel Media. A cocaine dealer was apprehended with £15,000 worth of cocaine in his residence, along with a substantial sum of cash and gold and silver bullion, according to Swansea Crown Court.


Simon Richards, a family man, claimed that the cocaine stash was solely for his personal use.

However, a search of his house uncovered weighing scales with traces of white powder, numerous small empty plastic bags, and a phone filled with incriminating messages.

Police executed a search warrant at Richards’ house in Port Talbot on May 15 of this year.


During the search, officers discovered 157g of high-purity cocaine, valued at approximately £15,600 on the street.

Additionally, they found 900 empty snap-seal bags, weighing scales with traces of white powder, £11,560 in cash, and a collection of small gold and silver bars.

Richards, who was alone in the property at the time of the raid, initially claimed that he had purchased the cocaine for £4,500 and that it was intended for personal use.

However, when his phone was examined, messages indicating his involvement in drug dealing, as well as a “tick list” showing outstanding debts, were discovered.

The Crown accepted Richards’ assertion that the gold and silver bullion, valued at over £8,000, was not the proceeds of criminal activity.


During sentencing, Andrew Evans, representing Richards, explained that the defendant had turned to drug use during the Covid lockdowns when he found himself directionless with ample free time.

This drug use gradually evolved into supplying cocaine to acquaintances who were in similar circumstances.

Evans emphasized that Richards’ wife and parents, who hold responsible positions in the community, were completely unaware of his activities.

He stated that had Richards been honest with them about his drug use, they would have intervened to help him.

The advocate highlighted Richards’ active involvement in the community and charitable activities, while acknowledging the defendant’s understanding that his actions were foolish and selfish, jeopardizing his family.


Recorder Aiden Eardley KC, considering the evidence presented, noted that Richards had been supplying cocaine to approximately ten like-minded friends.

With a one-quarter discount for his guilty pleas, Richards received a 33-month prison sentence, of which he will serve up to half in custody before being released on license to complete the remaining period in the community.

A Proceeds of Crime Act investigation will now be conducted to examine the defendant’s finances.

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