Bandits Attack Bege Baptist Church in Kaduna, Kidnap 25 Worshippers

Bandits Attack Bege Baptist Church in Kaduna, Kidnap 25 Worshippers

…By Larry John for TDPel Media. Gunmen suspected to be bandits attacked Bege Baptist Church in Madala along Buruku Baringi Road in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

During the Sunday service, the bandits invaded the Church and kidnapped 40 worshippers. However, 15 of the kidnapped persons managed to escape, while the other 25 are still in captivity.

Rev. John Joseph Hayab, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) chairman in the state, confirmed the abduction of the congregants.

He said that the worshippers were in the Church when they started hearing gunshots very close to the Church around 9:30am.

The gunmen attacked the Church and kidnapped 40 worshippers. When they were leaving, 15 of the kidnapped persons escaped, but 25 are still in captivity without any communication from their abductors.

Hayab revealed that efforts are being made to reach the abductors about the remaining captives.

He prayed that the abductors would have mercy and release the remaining captives to their families.


The attack was more like a horrifying film for some of the church members who spoke about the incident.

The bandits came in their numbers and were heavily armed, making it impossible to resist their attack.

The attack on Bege Baptist Church is another incident in a series of banditry and kidnapping cases in Kaduna State.

Bandits continue to terrorize communities, targeting schools, places of worship, and villages.

The Nigerian government and security agencies must take more decisive action to protect citizens and prevent such attacks.

The abduction of innocent worshippers is a heinous crime, and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.


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About the Author:

Larry John is a talented writer and journalist based in New York, USA. He is a valued contributor to TDPel Media, where he creates engaging and informative content for readers. Larry has a keen interest in current events, business, and technology, and he enjoys exploring these topics in-depth to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the issues. His writing style is characterized by its clarity, precision, and attention to detail, which make his articles a pleasure to read. Larry’s passion for storytelling has earned him a reputation as a skilled writer and a respected authority in his field.


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