Woman Overcomes Bullying on Solo Holiday and Empowers Others with ADHD and Autism

Woman Overcomes Bullying on Solo Holiday and Empowers Others with ADHD and Autism

…By Alan Peterson for TDPel Media. Lolly McKenzie, a 26-year-old woman, recently shared her distressing experience of feeling alone and intimidated during her first solo holiday abroad.


Despite encountering laughter and stares from some hotel guests, Lolly has used this experience as an opportunity to deliver an empowering message to individuals struggling with ADHD and autism.

Lolly, who documents her journey on TikTok, embarked on the trip to Majorca with the intention of overcoming her anxiety in social situations and taking a significant step forward.

While the hotel itself was satisfactory, Lolly revealed to the Liverpool ECHO that certain guests made her feel uncomfortable: “You could not walk through the hotel without getting stared at and laughed at.

Groups of friends would turn and mock you. It was truly unsettling.”

She believed that some guests took issue with her being a plus-size woman who chose to dress less conservatively.

Lolly expressed, “I think I was laughed at because I wore a bikini.


At one point, while waiting for a drink at the hotel bar, I noticed a man looking at me.

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He chuckled to himself, shared a comment with his friends, and they all began laughing at me too.

I couldn’t comprehend their words, but I knew they were scrutinizing my attire. You can differentiate between a kind comment and a degrading one.”

Their behavior threatened to ruin Lolly’s holiday as she contemplated staying within the confines of her hotel room for the remainder of the trip.

She shared, “It takes a lot for me to gather the courage to face such situations.

I understand that everything cannot always go my way, but you never expect to be repeatedly bullied.”

Despite these challenges, Lolly managed to overcome her anxieties and enjoy the rest of her vacation at the nearby beach.

She explained, “It was a close call between letting it empower me and retreating into my shell, staying in the room.


However, I tried to consider the bigger picture and acknowledge how far I’ve come to even reach that point.

Allowing them to spoil it would have been foolish.”

Having recharged her batteries in sunny Spain, Lolly is now planning another solo holiday in Greece.

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She shared, “I never imagined I could do this.

Sometimes, even going to the Asda by myself can be a struggle.”

Lolly’s confidence has significantly grown since receiving her ADHD and autism diagnoses last year, a process she believes took longer due to her gender.

The ADHD Centre highlights that adult ADHD symptoms are more likely to go unnoticed in women, subjecting them to additional societal pressures.

Consequently, obtaining a diagnosis can be extremely stressful and challenging.


Lolly stated, “Throughout my life, I’ve faced numerous difficulties because it is harder for women with ADHD and autism

The symptoms are more internalized. Now that I have my diagnosis, I understand why I react in certain ways or how my brain processes things.

This makes it much easier for me to navigate life and overcome obstacles.”

Her increased confidence is evident on TikTok, where she openly discusses her challenges and provides support to over 50,000 followers facing similar issues.

Additionally, she has pursued her dream career as a DJ on SoundCloud, a passion she had put off pursuing for years.

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Lolly emphasized, “I like to utilize my platform for positivity.

I encourage individuals going through similar experiences to believe in themselves.

You can accomplish anything as long as you set your mind to it, listen to yourself, and prioritize your own opinions over others.”


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About the Author:

Alan Peterson is a talented writer who creates engaging and informative content for TDPel Media. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Alan has established himself as a respected authority in his field. He is a dedicated professional who is committed to providing readers with accurate and up-to-date news and information. Alan’s ability to distill complex ideas into easily digestible pieces has earned him a loyal following among TDPel Media’s readers. In addition to his writing work, Alan is an avid reader and enjoys exploring new topics to expand his knowledge and expertise. He lives in Scotlant, United Kingdom.

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