Water distribution recommences in certain areas of eThekwini following the restoration of electricity.

Water distribution recommences in certain areas of eThekwini following the restoration of electricity.

Water Pumping Operations Resume in Umlazi: Addressing Disruptions

The eThekwini Municipality has taken successful steps to reinstate water pumping operations to the Umlazi 2 Tower and Umlazi 3 Reservoir.

This action aims to rectify the water supply disturbances that have affected local residents.

However, recent interruptions stemmed from an electricity failure that impacted the functionality of these facilities, resulting in parts of Umlazi experiencing a water shortage.

Restoration Timelines and Efforts for Water Availability

The Municipality has outlined a schedule for the restoration of water services.

It anticipates the resumption of water flow from Umlazi 2 Tower to Umlazi H and G sections starting this evening.

Nevertheless, full water supply restoration to Umlazi K and J sections is expected by Monday, 01 January 2024.

This delay is due to the ongoing process of building up sufficient water levels in the Umlazi 3 reservoir.

Concurrently, efforts are underway to construct additional storage at the reservoirs to ensure sustained water availability.

Responsible Water Usage and Municipal Apology

Residents currently receiving water are urged to use it judiciously, considering the ongoing recovery efforts.

The Municipality deeply regrets the inconvenience caused by the water outage and extends sincere apologies to affected residents.

This incident underscores a swift response from the eThekwini Municipality, addressing challenges arising from the electricity disruption.

It emphasizes the commitment to ensuring a dependable water supply for the community.

Each section addresses different aspects of the situation, from the actions taken to restore water services to the municipality’s response and efforts to ensure reliability in the future.

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