Isaac Calderon, Fugitive in UK Car Crash, Found in Texas Family Home

Isaac Calderon, Fugitive in UK Car Crash, Found in Texas Family Home

US ‘Spy’ Tracked to Texas Home After UK Car Crash

Isaac Calderon, a 22-year-old individual wanted by West Mercia Police in the UK, was due to appear at Kidderminster Magistrates’ Court on December 1 for causing serious injury to mental health nurse Elizabeth Donowho, 56, in a dangerous driving collision back in July.

Sky News reported that Calderon, now living with his parents in Humble, Texas, had left the UK on November 25 via a commercial flight to Houston, Texas, despite being labeled a ‘flight risk’ by the authorities.

Victim’s Perspective and Legal Actions

Donowho expressed relief at Calderon being found and emphasized the importance of him facing the UK justice system promptly.

She detailed the multiple fractures she sustained in the collision and voiced confusion at learning about Calderon’s whereabouts from the media instead of authorities. West Mercia Police stated their engagement with Calderon’s solicitor to inform him of the warrant and potential extradition to ensure a court hearing.

Father’s Statements and Calderon’s Background

At Calderon’s home in Texas, his father, Manuel, confirmed his son’s return and expressed the belief that the incident was exaggerated.

He mentioned his son’s work visa status, recent employment in a warehouse, and financial struggles, which prompted the decision to facilitate his return to seek further medical treatment. Manuel also stated that Calderon serves in the American National Guard periodically.

Victim’s Discontent and Legal Process

Donowho voiced her concern over the lack of information received directly from authorities and urged swift legal action. The police’s preparations for extradition and the absence of diplomatic immunity issues were highlighted. Donowho referenced a similar case involving Anne Sacoolas, a US citizen who left the UK under diplomatic immunity following a fatal crash.

Crash Details and Police Actions

Describing the incident as unexpected, Donowho recounted the collision’s suddenness and impact. Calderon was interviewed by officers for immediate hospital treatment 15 days after the crash, and police were unaware of his intention to leave the UK. West Mercia Police remained silent when approached for comments.

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