Trainee Officer Awarded £86,000 in Hearing Aid Case

Trainee Officer Awarded £86,000 in Hearing Aid Case

Discrimination Case: Trainee Officer Awarded Compensation Over Hearing Aids

In a landmark case, Shafi Karim, a former trainee police officer, has been awarded a minimum of £86,000 in compensation after being dismissed from the Metropolitan Police force due to concerns about his poor hearing.

The employment tribunal revealed that Mr. Karim’s hearing aids made police sirens unbearable, leading to fears about his safety on the job.

The case sheds light on the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in demanding professions like law enforcement.

The compensation awarded recognizes the impact of the discrimination on Mr. Karim’s career and well-being.

Initial Hearing Tests and Probation Period: A Rocky Start

Mr. Karim, who joined the Metropolitan Police in 2015, faced challenges during his probation period, complaining that patrol car sirens were like ‘torture.’

Despite passing initial hearing tests, concerns about his ability to handle various scenarios arose during role-play exercises.

The tribunal heard that his probation, usually lasting 24 months, extended to five years before his dismissal in 2021.

The prolonged probation period reflects the efforts made by the Metropolitan Police to assess Mr. Karim’s suitability for the role.

However, it also highlights the ongoing concerns about his hearing capabilities.

Discrimination Arising from Dismissal: Tribunal’s Verdict

The employment tribunal concluded that Mr. Karim experienced disability discrimination arising from his dismissal.

Senior officers were worried that his poor hearing could compromise safety, leading to his immediate dismissal in July 2021.

The force was found to have failed in making reasonable adjustments, particularly in not covering the costs of his advanced hearing aid kit and insurance.

The tribunal’s decision underscores the obligation of employers to accommodate employees with disabilities, ensuring they can perform their duties effectively.

The failure to provide necessary support led to a significant legal and financial repercussion for the Metropolitan Police.

Compensation Breakdown: Injury to Feelings and Economic Loss

The tribunal awarded Mr. Karim £22,000 for injury to feelings and nearly £27,000 for past economic loss.

The future economic loss was estimated between almost £37,500 and £78,600.

The compensation, which will also consider pension loss, will be finalized in a subsequent hearing.

The compensation breakdown reflects the tribunal’s recognition of the emotional and financial impact on Mr. Karim.

The figures acknowledge the duration and severity of the discrimination, emphasizing the need for fair treatment in the workplace.

Judge’s Remarks: Protracted Discrimination and Substantial Disadvantage

Employment Judge Jillian Brown emphasized the protracted nature of the discrimination spanning three years, culminating in the loss of Mr. Karim’s job and intended career.

The judge acknowledged the significant impact on his well-being and criticized the lack of assistance provided by the Met.

Judge Brown’s remarks highlight the gravity of the case and emphasize the importance of addressing discrimination promptly.

The acknowledgment of its impact on Mr. Karim’s well-being reinforces the tribunal’s commitment to promoting fair treatment in employment.

In conclusion, Shafi Karim’s case serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in the workplace.

The compensation awarded not only reflects the tribunal’s stance on discrimination but also emphasizes the responsibility of employers to make reasonable adjustments for their employees.

The outcome of this case reinforces the imperative for workplaces to foster inclusivity and provide necessary accommodations for employees with disabilities.

It also prompts reflection on how organizations can better support individuals facing unique challenges in demanding professions.
