Traditional Ruler Of Awka Obi Gibson Nwosu Cautions Against Evil Wishes For Those In Position Of Authority

Traditional Ruler Of Awka Obi Gibson Nwosu Cautions Against Evil Wishes For Those In Position Of Authority

The traditional Ruler of Awka Community Obi Gibson Nwosu has cautioned the people against wishing those in positions of authority evil.


Speaking in an interview with Abuchi Nwozor of Anambra Broadcasting Service, yesterday, Obi Nwosu charged the people to always pray for those in authority to enable them deliver on their mandate instead of wishing them dead.


Obi Nwosu who said that he is hale and hearty, contrary to rumors making the round, charged the people to always maintain the sanctity of traditional institution.


He called on the people to jettison acts capable of causing confusion in the society.


The traditional Ruler used the opportunity to commend Governor Willie Obiano for all his legacies in Anambra State especially the Anambra International Convention center in Awka which is about ninety percent complete.


According to him, the International Convention Center in Awka apart from attracting foreigners to Anambra State has improved the aesthetics of Awka the Anambra State capital.


He charged the people to always protect Government facilities in their various areas against vandalisation.


The traditional Ruler expressed hope that the incoming Governor, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, will consolidate on the achievements of Governor Obiano in the state.


He urged youths of Awka extraction to desist from acts and utterances that will portray the community in bad light.

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