The Cost of Dissent? Candace Owens Ousted from The Daily Wire Following Heated Rhetoric on Israel, Brigitte Macron, and Anti-Semitism Concerns

The Cost of Dissent? Candace Owens Ousted from The Daily Wire Following Heated Rhetoric on Israel, Brigitte Macron, and Anti-Semitism Concerns

Candace Owens, a prominent conservative commentator, has officially severed ties with The Daily Wire after a period of tension with co-founder Ben Shapiro.

The news was confirmed by Daily Wire co-founder Jeremy Boreing on X, stating, “‘Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship.'”

Owens Reacts to the News

Owens acknowledged the news on her own X platform, writing, “The rumors are true – I am finally free.”

She also included a link to her website for continued support and hinted at “many announcements in the weeks to come.”

Weeks of Scrutiny Precede the Split

This development follows weeks of controversy surrounding Owens. Recently, she launched a campaign questioning French first lady Brigitte Macron’s gender identity.

Additionally, she has engaged in heated online arguments with members of the Jewish community who she claims are targeting her due to her Christian faith.

Owens’ Rise and The Daily Wire

Owens joined The Daily Wire in 2021, having already established national recognition for her brand of conservatism, which some critics label as far-right nationalism.

Facing Anti-Semitism Accusations

On the same day as the split announcement, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) labeled Owens an anti-Semite.

Owens responded on X, expressing gratitude that the ADL “turned their smear merchant guns” on her, claiming the world already knows “her heart” and that these attacks will only backfire.

Justifying Her Stance

Owens further defended her position, stating that she doesn’t believe American taxpayers should fund wars in Israel or elsewhere.

She declared she won’t change her views and challenged the ADL, asking, “what will you do to me next? The world is watching.”

Owens’ Comments and White Supremacy

The ADL’s statement referenced white supremacist Nick Fuentes praising some of Owens’ comments.

The ADL stated, “When bigoted people come together to push an anti-Semitic agenda, it adds fuel to the fire of hate.”

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