Shedding Light on Planning Dispute: Stafford Resident’s Victory in Color Controversy

Shedding Light on Planning Dispute: Stafford Resident’s Victory in Color Controversy

A homeowner in Stafford, Vlad Dascalescu, faced opposition from council planners over a shed in his front garden that they deemed “unacceptable” for the area.


Despite receiving no complaints from neighbors, Mr. Dascalescu was initially advised to reject the application.

However, a recent decision by the planning committee granted him permission to keep the shed with certain conditions, including a change of color and the submission of a landscaping scheme to screen it from view.

The Shed’s Impact on the Street Scene:

The shed, situated prominently in the front garden of Mr. Dascalescu’s property on Byron Road, Stafford, came under scrutiny due to its “unduly prominent and discordant” features.

Stafford Borough Council’s planning officers expressed concerns about the negative impact the shed had on the character of the street scene and the local area.


The use of unsightly orange timber interlocking panels and red/pink roof tiles, which differed from the surrounding dwellings’ construction materials, further exacerbated the shed’s visual discordance.

Homeowner’s Defense and Plea:

In his defense before the planning committee, Mr. Dascalescu explained that he constructed the shed in response to post-Covid working conditions, intending to provide extra storage and a possible workspace for him and his wife.

He highlighted the mental health and wellbeing benefits the shed brought to his family.

The council raised objections to the over-intensification of the front garden, but Mr. Dascalescu maintained that the shed complied with height and garden space requirements.

He argued that the shed, constructed of sustainable oak-colored wood, was in line with the materials used in neighboring properties.


Neighborhood Support and Complaints:

Despite the council’s objections, Mr. Dascalescu received support from his neighbors, who appreciated the shed’s addition to the neighborhood’s character and appearance.

No objections to the shed’s color or position were raised by the neighboring residents.

However, it came to light that two passers-by, who lived further along Byron Close, raised concerns about the shed’s presence.

The application was subsequently called in by a former councilor, Jack Kemp, in response to these complaints.

The Final Decision:

Fortunately for Mr. Dascalescu, the planning committee acknowledged the neighborhood’s support for the shed and decided to allow it to remain.


However, the committee mandated that the color of the shed be changed, and a landscaping scheme be submitted within a month to screen it from view.

The decision was a relief to the homeowner and his pleased neighbors, who see the shed as a positive and attractive addition to the cul-de-sac.


The saga over the shed on Byron Road, Stafford, has come to a conclusion with a decision in favor of homeowner Vlad Dascalescu.

The shed, once considered “unacceptable” by council planners, will now stay in place with a change of color and a screening solution.

Despite initial complaints from passers-by, the shed has garnered support from the local community, who view it as a delightful and enjoyable addition to their neighborhood.



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