Remains of Autistic Harry Potter Girl’s Home Made Public

Remains of Autistic Harry Potter Girl’s Home Made Public

On October 7, Noya Dan and her 80-year-old grandma Carmela vanished.

Their relatives verified their bodies’ identities on Wednesday.

The burned-out remains of Harry Potter enthusiast Noya Dan’s house have been made public.

Dan was abducted and killed on Saturday, October 7, by Hamas militants at the Nir Oz Kibbutz.

Inside of Noya’s house, nothing is left but burned remains.

Amidst heaps of ash and shattered dishes, the framework of an electric cooker is visible.

The refrigerator has buckled and charred.

The bookshelves are burned.

It has crumbled, the ceiling.

Every window is broken.

The walls made of plasterboard have collapsed to the floor.

Broken and charred garden decorations.

A kid’s bicycle has been twisted and tramped on.

A laundry basket is crammed full with trash.

When gunmen lit the house on fire to drive the terrified 12-year-old and her autistic grandma Carmela out, the girl was seeking refuge from rocket fire.

Two of the kibbutz’s more than 100 members were kidnapped, and it was thought that they would be taken captive and returned to Gaza, where the Islamic extremists would torture and ridicule them.

JK Rowling, the author of Harry Potter, brought attention to her predicament and reflected it in a heartbreaking farewell note.

However, yesterday, their corpses were discovered in the fields encircling the settlement, which is only 180 metres from the Gaza border.

Kibbutz spokesman Ron Bahat described how tragically Noya and her dedicated grandmother Carmela did not stand a chance, while artillery fire exploded in the background.

“This was the home of Carmela Dan and her granddaughter Noya,” stated Ron, 57.

They had taken cover from the rockets when the air raid alarm went off, and when we returned to their home after the attack, we saw a lot of blood in it, but they were gone.

Their bodies were discovered yesterday.

To drive them out, the terrorists set fire to the house.

They are among the over 100 people who have died and gone missing from our kibbutz.

Twenty-five deaths have been recorded thus far, but the toll keeps going up.

More than 80 people are still unaccounted for.

When the two were captured in Kibbutz Nir Oz, one of the Israeli settlements a few miles from Gaza that were assaulted by Hamas thirteen days prior, Noya was staying with her grandmother.

Israeli news sources claim that employees of the ZAKA Search and Rescue organisation discovered their burnt remains close to the Israel-Gaza border barrier.

In a heartbreaking Facebook post late on Wednesday, the Dan family reported that rescue personnel had positively identified Noya and Carmela’s bodies.

Their deaths were also confirmed by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ron described the lanes as being alive with children laughing and singing during a startling tour of the looted and devastated village.

Seven years after the state of Israel was founded, in 1955, the kibbutz was founded with the intention of establishing a new Garden of Eden.

The kibbutz now grows 900 different varieties of trees, plants, and flowers from the sandy dirt of the Negev Desert.

‘Courage and Joy’ is a rough translation of the name Nir Oz.

Toys are strewn around, abandoned kitchen appliances are lying on garden walkways, and burned-out cars litter the streets.

Noya’s mother had sent her daughter’s heartbreaking last voice message to her before the heartbreaking news of the child’s murder.

The message was delivered as the girl cowered inside her grandmother’s house while a Hamas gunman stalked the kibbutz, looking for inhabitants to kidnap or kill.

In an audio message presented to Israeli media by her mother, Noya can be heard saying in Hebrew, “Mom, there was a big boom at the door that scared me.”

Grandma’s house has damaged windows at the front door.

Many windows are smashed because there was another boom.

Mom… I’m afraid.

“I was born and have lived here for the majority of my life,” Ron stated.

The door was never locked by my father.

No necessity existed.

However, I must ask: “Who are the people that have come here to murder, steal, and destroy our lives?”As terrorists, they are.

Furthermore, funding Hamas is equivalent to endorsing ISIS.

They are identical.

The barbed-wire fence between the dwelling quarters from the farmland that extends to the 1950 Gaza truce line was breached by the militants.

Not far away, smoke is billowing from the structures of a Palestinian community.

Across the plain, the roar of automatic gunfire resounds.

Ron gestures to Said and Adina Moshe, two more neighbours, whose house had burned down.

“Said was using his bare hands to hold the door of their safe room shut.”

The Hamas burst through the window since they were unable to enter.

They abducted Adina and shot Said to death.

He had the door handle still in his hand when we discovered him.

There are indications of looting inside Yaffa Adar’s house, another neighbour, and the place smells bad.

On the table is a bottle of beer.

There is nothing in the fridge.

Her sheets are on the ground.

Her blinds are damaged, but her cherished garden remains undisturbed.

A child’s doll, taken and then abandoned as the assassins absconded, lies amidst mounds of seized goods.

Yaffa, 85, was paraded across Gaza by Hamas on a golf buggie, the mode of transportation used by kibbutz members.

It is unknown what will happen to her after her kidnappers get her.

There were just four families, including Ron’s, where there was no attack.

Before the Israel Defence Force [IDF] could save them, they cowered in fear for eight and a half hours.

Every survivor was taken to safety by evacuation.

Ron came back the following day.

“Everyone that survived was evacuated by the army,” he clarified.

I came back the following day after making sure my family was safe.

Observing what Hamas has done to our neighbourhood hurts.

But I believe that this should be known to the entire globe. to understand the actual tragedy of Hamas.

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