Miraculous Event: Virgin Mary Statue ‘Crying’ Captivates Worshipers in Mexico”

Scientific Perspective

While the phenomenon has astonished many, Professor Luigi Garlaschelli provided a scientific perspective. He explained that certain statues, made of porous materials like plaster or ceramic, can absorb water.

If there is even a slight crack in the structure, water could drip out, creating the appearance of tears. Garlaschelli emphasized the need for a hollow statue with a waterproof layer on the outside for this effect.

Historical Investigations

The Vatican academy in Italy has previously embarked on investigations into ‘mystical phenomena’ worldwide, including instances of ‘weeping’ statues of the Virgin Mary.

The Pontifical Mariana International Academy, a scientific institution of the Holy See, aimed to explore numerous phenomena, encompassing ghost sightings, stigmata, and weeping statues, underscoring the complex relationship between faith and science.

Previous Instances

Instances of ‘weeping’ statues have been reported in various parts of the world. In 2019, a painting of the Virgin Mary in a Chicago church was said to exhibit tears, viewed by some as a ‘sign of God’ during a challenging period for the church.

Similarly, a statue of the Virgin of the Mystic Rose in Argentina was reported to ‘weep’ tears of blood in 2018, associated with several claimed miracles.

The Symbolic Significance of the Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary holds immense significance in Christianity, recognized as the mother of Jesus Christ. Beyond her role in the narrative of Christ, Mary symbolizes motherhood, purity, obedience, humility, and faithfulness.

As the patron saint of all human beings, she is revered for her watchful and caring presence, making her a central figure in Christian devotion.

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