Pope Francis Accepts “È Giornalismo” Prize for Constructive Communication

Pope Francis Accepts “È Giornalismo” Prize for Constructive Communication

Pope Francis was awarded the “È Giornalismo” prize by Italian journalists on August 26, 2023, at the Apostolic Palace.

The Pope, known for his reluctance to accept awards, explained that the urgency of constructive communication motivated him to accept this honor.

He emphasized the importance of communication that promotes encounters and understanding rather than confrontation and prejudice.

During his address, he criticized disinformation as a journalistic sin, along with slander, defamation, and sensationalism. Pope Francis urged the need for a culture of dialogue and listening, cautioning against the reduction of communication to mere slogans, especially in the digital age.

Focus on Constructive Communication

The Pope highlighted the significance of fostering a culture of encounter and openness to others.

He acknowledged the potential of digital culture to facilitate exchange but also cautioned against oversimplification and superficiality in communication.

Meeting with Catholic Legislators on Dehumanizing Trends

On the same day, Pope Francis met with a delegation of Catholic legislators from around the world.

This group, known as the International Catholic Legislators Network, convenes annually in Rome.

The Pope discussed the challenges posed by the dominant technocratic paradigm, which can lead to the misuse of human freedom.

He urged the legislators to continue promoting Catholic social teaching, emphasizing the value and dignity of every human person.

Promoting Catholic Social Teaching

Pope Francis encouraged the legislators to uphold the principles of Catholic social teaching in their work.

He expressed hope that their efforts would contribute to the formation of well-educated and faithful Catholic leaders dedicated to advancing the Church’s social and ethical teachings in the public sphere.

As part of the ceremony, Courtney Mares, a Rome Correspondent for Catholic News Agency and a Harvard University graduate, reported on the event.

Her coverage highlighted the Pope’s messages and the significance of the interactions with Catholic legislators.

In conclusion, Pope Francis’ acceptance of the “È Giornalismo” prize underscores his commitment to constructive communication and dialogue in an era marked by technological advancements and potential pitfalls.

Additionally, his meeting with Catholic legislators reflects his dedication to promoting values that uphold human dignity and contribute to a just society.

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