Former Imo State Traditional Ruler, Samuel Ohiri, Disputes Police Role in Abduction Rescue

Former Imo State Traditional Ruler, Samuel Ohiri, Disputes Police Role in Abduction Rescue

Monarch Rejects Police Claims, Acknowledges Family’s Ransom Payment

In a surprising turn of events, Samuel Ohiri, the former chairman of the council of traditional rulers in Imo state, has contradicted the Imo police command’s assertion that they played a crucial role in securing his release from abductors.

Ohiri, who was kidnapped on January 6 and spent 13 days in captivity, spoke to journalists on Friday, revealing that the police did not contribute to his rescue.

Family’s Ransom Payment Revealed

Despite the police command’s statement indicating collaboration with other security agencies in securing Ohiri’s freedom, the monarch emphasized the absence of police involvement.

Instead, Ohiri credited his release to divine intervention, his family’s support, and the payment of ransom.

He clarified, “Contrary to what the police said about my release, there is no hiding the fact that the state police never played any role.

I actually do not want to speak on this, but I am doing it just to set the records straight.”

Ordeal of Abduction Narrated

Sharing the harrowing details of his kidnapping, Ohiri explained that he was forcefully abducted by armed men in front of his palace gate after visiting an old friend.

The kidnappers, posing as able-bodied individuals, blindfolded him and transported him to an undisclosed location.

The former traditional ruler highlighted the torment he endured during the twelve days in captivity, mentioning that the kidnappers seemed to have personal issues with traditional rulers and politicians.

Leader’s Intervention to Prevent Torture

Remarkably, Ohiri disclosed that the leader of the kidnappers intervened and ordered them not to harm him, recognizing him as a decent man.

Negotiations ensued between Ohiri’s family and the abductors, resulting in his eventual release after the payment of ransom.

The monarch disclosed that he and another victim were later taken to Eziama Obiato, a community in Mbaitoli LGA, before finding his way back to Owerri.

Return to Freedom and Family Support

Ohiri concluded by recounting how he returned to Owerri and expressed gratitude for the support of his people.

He highlighted that his cousin’s brother, who was initially with him during the abduction, was released by the kidnappers after cleverly presenting himself as the monarch’s driver.

The former traditional ruler was eventually conveyed back to his palace by his people after the traumatic experience.

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