Ohio’s Abortion Amendment Sparks Heated Debate Among Catholics

Catholic Bishops Criticize Ohio Amendment

Catholic bishops have been vehemently opposing an amendment in Ohio for several months.

Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis Schnurr expressed his concerns in late August, urging “Catholics and all people of goodwill to oppose this very harmful amendment.”

He pointed out that the proposed amendment could eliminate safety regulations on abortion clinics in Ohio, remove the rights of parents to consent to abortion for their minor children, and potentially allow abortions up to nine months into pregnancy.

Pro-Choice Religious Groups Respond

In response to the bishops’ stance, Catholics for Choice President Jamie L. Manson announced a billboard campaign and criticized Ohio’s Catholic bishops.

Manson emphasized the need for pro-choice religious groups to mobilize, stating, “Ohio’s Catholic bishops are pulling out all the stops to stigmatize and silence pro-choice Catholics across the state.”

Catholic Church Teaching on Abortion

The Catechism of the Catholic Church is clear on its stance regarding abortion.

It describes formal cooperation in an abortion as a grave offense and emphasizes the irreparable harm caused to the innocent, parents, and society when abortion is involved.

The catechism asserts that human life must be respected and protected from the moment of conception, recognizing the inviolable right to life for every innocent being.

Controversy Surrounding Catholics for Choice

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has openly criticized Catholics for Choice, stating that it is not an authentic Catholic voice but rather an arm of the abortion lobby.

The organization’s activities, according to the bishops, are directed towards the rejection and distortion of Catholic teachings about the respect and protection of unborn human life.

Notably, much of the organization’s financial support comes from non-Catholic donors, including the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, associated with Warren Buffett.


The clash between Catholic bishops and pro-choice advocates, as exemplified by Catholics for Choice, highlights the deep divisions and intense debates within the Catholic community regarding issues like abortion.

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