Nollywood Actress, Kudirat Ogunro, Prays for Daughter’s 21st Birthday

Nollywood Actress, Kudirat Ogunro, Prays for Daughter’s 21st Birthday

…By for TDPel Media. Nollywood actress, Kudirat Ogunro, also known as Semilore Pweety, embraces her daughter’s milestone as she turns 21, committing her life to God’s hands.


On this special occasion, Kudirat expressed her gratitude to God for her daughter’s life, celebrating the joy and love she brings to her life.

She earnestly prayed for blessings of good health, happiness, and success in all her endeavors, while hoping her daughter always feels God’s presence and knows she is loved and valued.

In a heartfelt message addressed to her daughter, Aunty Dami, Kudirat thanks God for the precious gift of her child and vows never to take it for granted.


She wishes her daughter’s heart’s desires to be granted and sends her love and warm wishes on her 21st birthday.

Challenges of Being a Single Mother: Kudirat Ogunro’s Perspective

Reflecting on her journey as a single mother, Kudirat Ogunro opens up about the difficulties she has faced.

She acknowledges that it has been far from easy and confesses that recounting her experiences brings tears to her eyes.

Kudirat shares some of the hardships she endured, such as supporting her daughter by hawking vegetables on the streets and working as a dishwasher in a restaurant to have two meals a day.

She also recounts a time when she was driven out of her mother’s house and had to rely on the support of friends, sharing a small room with seven others.


Despite the challenges, Kudirat remains thankful for her strength and determination, which enabled her to overcome obstacles through hard work.

She emphasizes that the struggles of single mothers can differ significantly, with some receiving support from baby daddies or families, while her situation has been quite different, as her daughter’s father has not been responsible.

Kudirat offers advice to other single mothers, urging them to discover their potential early on, be resourceful, and work hard to overcome adversities.

Through her story, she inspires other single mothers to persevere and find strength in their unique journeys.

In conclusion, Kudirat Ogunro, the Nollywood actress, celebrates her daughter’s 21st birthday with heartfelt prayers and wishes for a blessed and fulfilling life.


Her candid reflections on the challenges of being a single mother provide insight into her personal struggles and inspire others facing similar circumstances.

With determination and hard work, Kudirat exemplifies the resilience and strength of single mothers, reminding them to believe in themselves and their capabilities.

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