NIMC Halts NIN Enrolment by Agents to Address Outstanding Debts and Ensure Compliance

NIMC Halts NIN Enrolment by Agents to Address Outstanding Debts and Ensure Compliance

In a significant development, the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) has temporarily halted the participation of Front-End Partners (FEPs) in the National Identification Number (NIN) enrolments.

The decision, disclosed by NIMC’s Director-General, Abisoye Coker-Odusote, during a training session in Abuja, coincides with the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) impending deadline for electronic revalidation of Bank Verification Numbers (BVN) and NIN by January 31, 2024.

CBN’s Directive and NIMC’s Suspension:

The directive from CBN encompasses placing bank accounts lacking BVN and NIN on “Post no Debit” from April 2024.

NIMC’s suspension of third-party services aligns with a broader revalidation initiative aimed at cleansing the enrollment process and addressing outstanding debts owed to FEPs.

Coker-Odusote emphasizes that this exercise prioritizes data integrity in the national identity database, emphasizing its broader purpose over targeting any specific group.

Scrupulous Debt Scrutiny Amid Sanitization Efforts:

The decision to suspend NIN enrolment activities by third-party agents at FEP centres signifies a robust move by NIMC.

This temporary halt allows for a comprehensive audit of claims made by FEPs, ensuring adherence to the highest data security standards.

The phased revalidation exercise is designed to tackle inherited debts, some linked to questionable invoices and claims that have persisted for over two years.

NIMC’s Expansive Initiatives and Intentions:

In 2020, NIMC embarked on an extensive drive to expand the NIN database, licensing 203 agents nationwide, including private sector entities and state governments/public sector institutions.

The expansion aimed to enhance the efficiency and reach of data collection and NIN issuance processes. NIMC had invited various entities, such as LLCs, startups, SMEs, CSOs, and NGOs, to participate in this national initiative based on their successful track records.

FEP Suspension, Overseas Challenges, and Imperative of Data Integrity:

Despite the temporary suspension of FEPs, digital verification expert Gbenga Odegbami anticipates minimal impact on BVN-NIN harmonization due to significant progress during SIM registration.

However, overseas enrolment centres operated by FEPs may face disruptions, prompting NIMC to address this challenge by bolstering capacity abroad.

Odegbami underscores the need to audit FEPs, resolve outstanding debts, and uphold data security, considering these essential for the integrity of NIMC’s operations.

Navigating Challenges: Digital Enrollment System and Long-Term Benefits:

Addressing potential disruptions, NIMC is actively working on a digital enrollment system to minimize physical visits.

While acknowledging overseas challenges, the suspension aligns with NIMC’s overarching goal of ensuring data integrity.

Gbenga Odegbami anticipates long-term benefits, envisioning a more secure and reliable National Identity Number (NIN) system.


The temporary suspension of FEPs reflects NIMC’s commitment to thorough scrutiny, debt resolution, and upholding data security, all vital elements for sustaining the integrity of its operations.

As NIMC navigates these challenges, the ultimate goal is to fortify the foundation of the National Identity Management system.

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