Nigerian teenager who received death threats after becoming a Christian was given a restraining order

Nigerian teenager who received death threats after becoming a Christian was given a restraining order

The ruling, as stated by ADF International, was not challenged in an appeal.

Sean Nelson, legal advisor for ADF International, expressed relief that Mary has been safeguarded from these credible threats and underscored the court’s acknowledgment of her inherent right to convert from Islam to Christianity. Nelson conveyed this sentiment in a statement released on Friday.

He further emphasized the significance of this verdict, hoping that it would serve as a precedent for individuals encountering threats to their lives due to their decision to embrace Christianity. He articulated his concern that no one should face persecution based on their faith, pointing out the vulnerability of Nigerian Christian converts from Islam, who often encounter targeting and discrimination because of their change of religious affiliation.

Although the Nigerian constitution upholds religious freedom and does not establish an official state religion, as highlighted by the U.S. State Department’s 2022 Report on International Religious Freedom in Nigeria, the country is still considered one of the most perilous places for Christians to reside, according to Open Doors, a global organization advocating for persecuted Christians. Open Doors ranked Nigeria as the sixth most persecuted country in the world for Christians.

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