Mother Fined £100 Despite Parking Machine Malfunction: Outrage Over Unjust Penalty

Mother Fined £100 Despite Parking Machine Malfunction: Outrage Over Unjust Penalty

…By Alan Peterson for TDPel Media. A mother, Kerrie Hart, from Ilkeston in Derbyshire, has expressed outrage after being fined £100 for failing to purchase a parking ticket in time.


Hart encountered a malfunctioning ticket machine at the Excel car park, which resulted in her taking 20 minutes to pay, exceeding the 10-minute grace period imposed by Excel.

Frustration Mounts Over Poor Car Park Facilities

Hart’s attempt to pay for parking at the machine was thwarted by its out-of-service status, and the company’s app also failed to respond.

She resorted to obtaining cash from a local shop to pay at another machine.

Hart criticized Excel for its subpar facilities and claimed that such issues were not unique to her experience.

Unfortunate Timing Leads to Fine and Appeals

After the incident on February 28, Hart received a parking charge notice three weeks later, penalizing her £100 for exceeding the grace period.

She promptly appealed the fine, but her appeal was rejected.


Other mothers who were also affected by the malfunctioning machine received fines as well, with one having the penalty rescinded upon appeal.

Continuing Battle and Alleged Communication Issues

Hart remains determined to fight the unjust fine, but she is frustrated by the persistence of the parking company.

She argues that if she had willingly chosen not to purchase a ticket for that length of time, she would not have eventually obtained one.

Additionally, she questions why one parent had their fine rescinded while others, including herself, are still facing penalties.

Allegedly, the ticket machine in question is still out of service, and the car park issues are causing difficulties for the business operating there, Jumpin Fun Trampoline Park.

Statements from Jumpin Fun and Excel Parking Services

Jumpin Fun representatives expressed their limitations in resolving the car park issues, citing a lease agreement between Excel and a private landlord.

They highlighted their attempts to advocate for payment machines within their premises and the lack of response from authorities.

Excel Parking Services stated that two operational pay meters were available on the day of the incident and mentioned the provision of a 24-hour helpline.


They indicated their intention to discuss the matter with Hart and clarified that appeals are evaluated individually.


Kerrie Hart’s frustration has mounted after receiving a £100 fine for failing to purchase a parking ticket within the allotted time at the Excel car park.

The malfunctioning ticket machine and unresponsive app left her with no choice but to take extra time to pay, leading to the penalty.

Hart’s appeals, along with those of other affected parents, have faced mixed outcomes.

The ongoing issue with the car park’s facilities and communication challenges between Jumpin Fun and Excel Parking Services have further complicated the situation.


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About the Author:

Alan Peterson is a talented writer who creates engaging and informative content for TDPel Media. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for storytelling, Alan has established himself as a respected authority in his field. He is a dedicated professional who is committed to providing readers with accurate and up-to-date news and information. Alan’s ability to distill complex ideas into easily digestible pieces has earned him a loyal following among TDPel Media’s readers. In addition to his writing work, Alan is an avid reader and enjoys exploring new topics to expand his knowledge and expertise. He lives in Scotlant, United Kingdom.

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