Mixed Emotions: Relief and Unanswered Questions for Victims’ Families of Maine Mass Murder

Mixed Emotions: Relief and Unanswered Questions for Victims’ Families of Maine Mass Murder

Relief and Unanswered Questions for Victims’ Families

Families of the victims in the tragic Maine mass murder by Robert Card expressed their mixed feelings of relief and sadness upon learning of his death.

Card, a 40-year-old Army reservist, was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound near a recycling plant after he had killed 18 people at a bowling alley and bar in Lewiston, Maine.

A Sense of Closure and Relief

For Robert Young, whose brother Bill and nephew Aaron were killed in the bowling alley, the news of Card’s death brought a sense of closure.

Young, who knew Card from school, emphasized that his family did not want to go through a traumatic trial.

They also doubted whether Card’s actions, fueled by a mental breakdown, could ever be explained.

Young stated that there was no clear motive for the attack, and his family wanted to avoid the gruesome details of a trial.

Questions Left Unanswered

While relief was prevalent among the victims’ families, Tammy Asselin, who survived the shooting but lost her cousin Tricia, revealed mixed feelings.

She expressed relief that the community could move on without the fear of Card, but she also voiced the frustration of having many unanswered questions.

Tricia worked at the bowling alley, and Asselin’s daughter was separated from her during the shooting.

Harrowing Experience and Loss

Robert Young’s family was still in shock after learning about the deaths of Bill and Aaron.

The tragedy left Bill’s wife, Aaron’s mother, devastated as she lost her son, her best friend, and soulmate.

Young described the pain of saying goodbye, and how the victims’ families could not prepare for such a loss.

Investigation and Mental State

The investigation into Card’s death was ongoing, and authorities believed he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Card’s mental state and the events leading to the mass murder were under scrutiny, and his family had been cooperative.

Card’s mental struggles were evident, as he had been sectioned for two weeks in July after expressing thoughts of violence and hearing voices.

Relief and Mourning in the Community

The discovery of Card’s body allowed the Lewiston community to breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that he was no longer a threat.

The relief was combined with mourning for the 18 victims who lost their lives in the shocking incident.

Calls for Action

President Joe Biden expressed his condolences, calling for action to prevent gun violence.

He commended the bravery of law enforcement officers and emphasized the need for Americans to live without the fear of such tragic events.

Search and Mental Health

Search teams had focused on a river near Lisbon, where Card moored his boat and jet ski.

Card’s mental state, deteriorating relationships, and recent job loss raised concerns about his well-being and the need for better mental health support.

Resilience and Healing

The Lewiston community and the people of Maine began the healing process, coming together to support one another.

Governor Janet Mills expressed relief that Card was no longer a threat and stressed the importance of moving forward and healing as a community.

Unpredictable Tragedy

The mass shooting was a tragic and unexpected event, leaving the community in shock and disbelief.

It highlighted the need for measures to prevent such incidents and support the victims and their families.

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