Manhunt Intensifies For Muslim Terrorist Abdul Ezedi After Pouring Acid on a Mother and Her Children in Clapham, London

Manhunt Intensifies For Muslim Terrorist Abdul Ezedi After Pouring Acid on a Mother and Her Children in Clapham, London

The incident involving the suspected Clapham chemical attacker, Abdul Ezedi, has garnered attention after footage emerged of him smiling while purchasing groceries in Newcastle just a day before the heinous assault.

This article will delve into Ezedi’s activities leading up to the attack, the subsequent manhunt, and the growing concerns regarding his background and the asylum process.

Suspect’s Activities in Newcastle:

Abdul Ezedi, a 35-year-old Afghan asylum seeker, was captured on CCTV buying eggs from a Middle Eastern food store near his home in Newcastle.

Staff at the store, shocked by his later connection to the attack, described him as a ‘good Muslim.’

Despite having a prior sexual assault conviction in 2018, Ezedi was granted asylum after claiming to have converted to Christianity.

The Clapham Chemical Attack:

The day after the grocery store incident, Ezedi traveled to Clapham, southwest London, where he allegedly threw a corrosive substance at a 31-year-old woman and her daughters, aged eight and three.

The victims, known to Ezedi, suffered severe injuries, and a nationwide manhunt has been underway since Wednesday.

Manhunt and Concerns over Ezedi’s Whereabouts:

Former national counter-terrorism coordinator Nick Aldworth expressed concerns about Ezedi’s potential disappearance, suggesting he might be dead or hiding with assistance.

The police released a timeline of Ezedi’s movements on the day of the attack, but uncertainties persist about his current location. A £20,000 reward has been offered for information leading to his arrest.

Public Response and Heroic Acts:

Public response to the attack has been significant, with witnesses recounting the horrific incident. A brave individual intervened to prevent further harm to the victims, demonstrating courage in the face of danger.

Questions linger about the suspect’s background, asylum status, and how he was allowed to remain in the country despite a previous conviction.

Police Investigation and Appeal:

Commander Jon Savell provided updates on the investigation, confirming the use of a concentrated corrosive substance in the attack.

The police appealed to the public for information and warned against assisting Ezedi, emphasizing the consequences of harboring a fugitive.

Concerns over the suspect’s potentially organized support network led to the involvement of the National Crime Agency.

Government Response and Asylum System Scrutiny:

The case has sparked debates about the asylum system, with questions raised regarding Ezedi’s eligibility for asylum despite a prior criminal conviction.

Education Secretary Gillian Keegan and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman expressed concerns over foreign criminals remaining in the UK, signaling a potential review of the asylum process.


As the nationwide manhunt for Abdul Ezedi continues, the incident raises critical questions about the asylum system, background checks, and public safety.

The community’s vigilance and cooperation with law enforcement are crucial in bringing the suspect to justice and preventing further harm.

The repercussions of this case may prompt a reevaluation of asylum procedures and the handling of individuals with criminal histories seeking refuge in the UK.

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