Jonathan Coad, advocate for tougher press regulation faces potential investigation by his own regulatory body after issuing an ‘unqualified apology’ for spreading misinformation

Jonathan Coad, advocate for tougher press regulation faces potential investigation by his own regulatory body after issuing an ‘unqualified apology’ for spreading misinformation

Jonathan Coad’s Apology Raises Questions

Jonathan Coad, a lawyer known for advocating tougher press regulation, is facing a potential investigation by his own regulatory body after issuing an ‘unqualified apology’ for spreading misinformation on behalf of his client, Baroness Michelle Mone.

Coad, a media lawyer critical of what he perceives as newspapers’ misleading capabilities, expressed regret for misleading journalists in the Baroness Mone PPE scandal.

Background on Jonathan Coad

A vocal supporter of Hacked Off, a group pushing for stricter media regulations, Coad has been an advocate for higher journalistic standards.

Despite his public stance on ethical conduct, he recently faced scrutiny for his role in disseminating false information related to Baroness Mone’s involvement in a lucrative PPE contract.

Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Investigation

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has initiated an inquiry into Coad’s conduct, stating, ‘We are gathering information before deciding on any next steps.’

The SRA, responsible for regulating solicitors in England, has the authority to issue fines of up to £20,000 for breaches of its code.

Jonathan Coad’s predicament raises questions about the ethical responsibilities of lawyers, especially those advocating for increased accountability in journalism.

The regulatory probe underscores the potential consequences for legal professionals who become entangled in spreading misinformation, particularly given Coad’s role in criticizing media practices.

Apology and Misinformation in the PPE Scandal

Coad’s apology followed revelations about his involvement in denying Baroness Mone’s connections to a PPE contract awarded to her husband’s company.

He issued denials to journalists investigating the links, asserting that Mone had no role in the company.

However, the situation took a turn when Baroness Mone admitted to spreading misinformation, leading to Coad’s apology.

Legal and Public Repercussions

In response to her deceit, The New European announced plans to sue Baroness Mone for legal fees incurred in addressing her ‘deceitful threats.’

Despite public support from some quarters, including media lawyer Mark Stephens, Coad faces scrutiny for potential breaches of the solicitors’ code of conduct.


The regulatory inquiry into Jonathan Coad’s actions adds a layer of complexity to the evolving story of misinformation surrounding Baroness Mone’s PPE scandal.

It underscores the importance of accountability across various professions, including legal representation, in maintaining trust and ethical standards in public discourse.
