After she placed a Red Bull can on the shallow grave of the cyclist he ran over and buried, the killer’s ex-fiancée is afraid he may seek retribution while serving his 12-year sentence.

After she placed a Red Bull can on the shallow grave of the cyclist he ran over and buried, the killer’s ex-fiancée is afraid he may seek retribution while serving his 12-year sentence.

A woman who provided crucial information that led to the arrest of her now-jailed fiancé, fears retribution from him after his 12-year prison sentence. Caroline Muirhead, 32, aided in the conviction of Alexander ‘Sandy’ McKellar, who had fatally struck cyclist Tony Parsons, 63. In September 2017, McKellar and his twin brother Robert attempted to conceal the crime by burying Parsons on the Auchy estate in Scotland. McKellar later revealed the burial site to Muirhead, who marked it with an empty Red Bull can, aiding the police in locating the body.

McKellar, 33, pleaded guilty to culpable homicide, and he and his brother confessed to attempting to obstruct justice. While McKellar received a 12-year prison term, his brother received five years and three months. Muirhead, a pathologist, now expresses concern for her safety, anticipating possible harm from McKellar upon his release. She has been offered security measures due to these fears and is advocating for enhanced witness protection during High Court trials. Allegations of police misconduct have also led to an investigation by the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner.

Muirhead disclosed that detectives pressured her to monitor the twins for an extended period after she provided the clue that led to finding Parsons’ body. She alleges that this put her in danger and that her involvement was leaked to the public. Amid these developments, members of Parsons’ family have expressed their gratitude for the justice that has been served, while also sharing the emotional impact the loss has had on them. Parsons’ tragic death resulted from a hit-and-run involving a truck driven by McKellar while intoxicated.

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