Kenya: Wanjigi accuses ODM of not listing Presidential nominations in its NDC agenda

Kenya: Wanjigi accuses ODM of not listing Presidential nominations in its NDC agenda

Jimi Wanjigi, a businessman, has expressed his reservations about the impending Orange Democratic Movement Party National Delegates Convention (NDC), which will take place on February 25 and 26.
Wanjigi is vying for the party’s presidential nomination and wants to depose Raila Odinga, the party’s current leader.
Wanjigi has written to the party’s Secretary General, Edwin Sifuna, seeking explanations as to why the election to choose the party’s presidential candidate has been dropped off the agenda of the convention.
“The deliberate omission of conducting elections to nominate the party’s presidential candidate from the agenda items listed in your notice calling for the delegates meeting exposes the party to the risk of not nominating its presidential candidate for the first time since its inception 15 years ago against the dictates of the Constitution,” he said.
Wanjigi stated that the party is hell-bent on denying him the opportunity to seek mandate from the party delegates to be its flag-bearer.
“As an aspirant for the party’s presidential ticket, the omission of this crucial agenda at the convention in my considered view is unreasonable, smells of ulterior motive and is meant to curtail my rights as a life member of the party to participate in the party’s affairs,” he said.
Wanjigi has been traversing the country popularizing his presidential bid and continues to challenge the former Prime Minister to welcome the challenge for elections.
“I am not shocked by the action of the party since from the time I announced my bid in 2021, the party has been operating in an opaque manner not responding to my constant pleas to be democratic in its dealings and has been fundamentally been violating its constitution and nomination rules,” he said.

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