VeryDarkMan Urges Singer Portable to Consider DNA Test Amid Public Clash with Baby Mama

VeryDarkMan Urges Singer Portable to Consider DNA Test Amid Public Clash with Baby Mama

Online Personality Advises Singer Portable on DNA Test

Amid the ongoing conflict between Nigerian singer Portable and his baby mama, Honey Berry, online personality VeryDarkMan has suggested that Portable should consider conducting a DNA test on his child with Honey Berry.

Background of the Conflict

The rift between Portable and Honey Berry escalated publicly when Portable criticized his ex-partner for attending an event with their son without his permission.

This led to Portable publicly insulting his wife, using derogatory language, and accusing her of taking their child to her alleged boyfriend’s house.

Honey Berry’s Response

In response to Portable’s accusations, Honey Berry vowed to ensure Portable faces unrest regarding the matter, intensifying the clash.

VeryDarkMan’s Advice

Amidst the escalating conflict, VeryDarkMan stepped in, advising Portable to undertake a DNA test to verify paternity and avoid any potential disputes regarding the child’s parentage.

Reactions and Social Media Response

Following VeryDarkMan’s statement, social media users engaged in the conversation, expressing diverse opinions. Some emphasized the importance of the DNA test, linking it to the ongoing feud.

Others drew parallels between Portable’s situation and similar controversies in the public eye.

Video and Media Attention

The advice from VeryDarkMan gained traction, being featured in a video posted online, stirring discussions across various social media platforms.

The video sparked a conversation regarding the significance of DNA testing in similar contentious family disputes.

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