Sheryl Sandberg’s Potential Political Journey Unveiled After Meta Departure

Sheryl Sandberg’s Exit from Meta Sparks Political Buzz

After an illustrious 16-year career with Meta, Sheryl Sandberg’s departure has reignited speculation about her potential entry into the political arena.

Contrary to the cliché of leaving to ‘spend more time with family,’ Sandberg’s move has stirred curiosity about her rumored interest in politics.

Political Roots: Harvard, Clinton Administration, and Obama Era

Sandberg’s ties to politics trace back to her early career. Fresh out of college, she worked with the Clinton administration as Chief of Staff to Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers, who had been her mentor at Harvard.

During President Barack Obama’s tenure, she served on the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

Mixed Signals: No Plans to Run for Office, But Political Involvement Noted

Despite declaring in 2014 that she had no plans to run for public office, Sandberg’s political involvement continued.

She supported liberal causes, backed Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential run, and was even considered for treasury secretary in Clinton’s regime.

However, rumors of her being Michael Bloomberg’s vice president pick in 2016 did not materialize.

Challenges and Criticisms: Facing Backlash for Facebook’s Role

Sandberg faced criticism from Democrats for alleged misinformation spread on Facebook during the 2016 presidential election, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the January 6th riot.

In 2018, she testified before Congress on Russian misinformation and later on data privacy concerns.

Toying with Politics: Sandberg’s History in Washington

Despite public denials, Sandberg has a history of involvement in DC. She served as Chief of Staff to Treasury Secretary Larry Summers in 1994 and later became vocal about women’s rights issues around 2013.

Forbes estimated her personal wealth at around $1.6 billion, adding to her appeal.

Focus on Philanthropy: Departure Linked to Philanthropic Work

When Sandberg stepped down as COO in 2022, she emphasized her focus on philanthropy, especially amid the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion rights.

Speculation about her political aspirations continued, fueled by her departure from Facebook’s board in 2024.

Legacy and Future: Sandberg’s Contribution to Meta and Potential Political Journey

With a career spanning 14 and a half years as COO and 12 years as a board member, Sandberg left Meta under Mark Zuckerberg’s leadership.

Despite hints at political ventures, she expressed a commitment to continue advising the company. Her announcement of a girls’ leadership program through her foundation adds a philanthropic dimension to her post-Meta plans.

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