Internet Feud Erupts Between Comedian Deeone and Reality TV Star Phyna

Internet Feud Erupts Between Comedian Deeone and Reality TV Star Phyna

Comedian Deeone and reality TV star Phyna have recently engaged in a heated online feud, marked by sharp exchanges and serious accusations.

The conflict originated from Deeone expressing skepticism regarding Phyna’s claim of rejecting a 5 million naira offer from a man, which took an unexpected turn when Phyna labeled Deeone as gay in response.

Deeone’s Initial Doubt:

The controversy commenced with Deeone’s public expression of disbelief over Phyna’s announcement of declining a substantial financial offer.

In a social media video, Deeone hinted at his skepticism, suggesting that he found Phyna’s assertion questionable.

Phyna’s Bold Accusation:

In response to Deeone’s doubt, Phyna took to Twitter to launch a daring accusation against the comedian, explicitly labeling him as gay.

The unexpected turn in the feud added intensity to the online clash, bringing personal accusations into the public sphere.

Deeone’s Call for Evidence:

Deeone, not backing down from the confrontation, had previously urged Phyna to provide evidence substantiating her claim about turning down the lucrative offer.

This plea for proof showcased Deeone’s commitment to seeking clarity and challenging the credibility of Phyna’s statements.

Chizzy Francis Enters the Fray:

Chizzy Francis, another reality television personality, entered the conversation, expressing displeasure with Deeone’s involvement and asserting that he should have refrained from commenting on the matter due to his gender.

This critique further fueled the feud and intensified the online discourse.

Phyna’s Bold Response to Chizzy Francis:

Responding to Chizzy Francis, Phyna not only expressed her confusion at being summoned into the conversation but also escalated the conflict by stating that she couldn’t even regard Deeone as a man.

In a bold declaration, she directly asserted that Deeone is gay, adding a new layer to the ongoing dispute.


As the feud between Comedian Deeone and Reality TV Star Phyna continues to unfold on social media, the intense exchanges and serious allegations underscore the potential impact of online conflicts within the public eye.

The dynamics of this dispute reveal the interconnected nature of personal and professional reputations in the age of social media.

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